– Extremely important – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– Here you get a sturdy booklet in your hand. It is very good, says leader of the Center women Wenche Skallerud to news. During this weekend’s Sp national meeting in Trondheim, all delegates will be given a “Metoo booklet” on arrival. The booklet describes the party’s new ethical guidelines, which were adopted as a result of several whistleblowing cases last autumn. – Why is a booklet necessary? – I think it is important to spread the ethical guidelines in the organisation. It becomes an active document. So we center women are very happy with that, says Skallerud. The booklet contains advice and guidelines that all SP delegates must adhere to during the national meeting. Photo: Une Solheim / news Previously, it was only possible to notify the party’s general secretary Knut M. Olsen. But now you can also notify a woman. It was a proposal from the Women’s Center last year that led to the ethical guidelines being revised. – Is such a reminder necessary in advance of the national meeting? – No, I do not think so. But in any case, it is a good opportunity to hand out the booklet here. So it’s good, says Skallerud. As far as she knows, this is the first time the ethical guidelines have been handed out in physical form. “Zero tolerance” In the booklet, it is specified that the Center Party has “zero tolerance for behavior that is perceived as sexually offensive”. The guidelines refer to both the Working Environment Act and the Equality and Discrimination Act. Furthermore, the Center Party itself clarifies what it considers to be sexual harassment: Disrespecting the integrity of others mentally, physically or emotionally Spreading nude images and other images with sexual content Unwanted sexual attention in social media, telephone or other digital communication channels This is the booklet that is distributed to everyone who is taking part in the Sp national meeting. Photo: Une Solheim / news The booklet also tells how to report and how the reports are to be followed up. The consequences for harassment range from a verbal warning to exclusion from the party. Proposals put forward following whistleblowing cases In Norwegian politics, also in the Center Party, a number of whistleblowing cases in recent years have focused on how such whistleblowing should be handled internally within the parties. The centre’s women’s demand for new guidelines came after the case with former Minister of Defense Odd Roger Enoksen, who resigned last year. When the proposal was put forward, party leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum agreed with the demands. – The women at the center have wanted it to be for both a woman and a man. I think that is a good input, said the SP leader at the time. – As a manager, I am very concerned that whistleblowers should feel secure that the information they provide will be handled safely and properly. That is why it is important that it is done properly and properly, said Vedum.
