Lamb trapped in a rubbish bin in Tjeldsund in Sør-Troms – news Troms and Finnmark

The lamb was found this weekend trapped in a rubbish bin in Tovik in Tjeldsund in Sør-Troms. The police state that the lamb was dehydrated and emaciated, and had to be treated by a veterinarian. It had probably been in the rubbish bin between one and two days before it was found. – This is gross animal cruelty, and we want to find out who is behind it to prevent this from happening again, says police attorney Mona Madsen. She says that the police want information from people who have been in the area on Thursday 16 and Friday 17 June. The matter has been reported to the police, and they have opened a criminal case. If you know anything about what has happened, the police ask you to call telephone number 02800. In this rubbish bin, the lamb was found this weekend. Photo: Private Found by neighbor Tone Marstein Benjaminsen runs a farm in Tjeldsund municipality. She owns the lamb that was found in the rubbish bin. – I get both angry and frustrated that someone can do something like that, she says. Benjaminsen was called by a neighbor who had found the lamb in his rubbish bin. – Her son was to pick up the rubbish bin that was down by the road. He reacted that it was so heavy, and checked up. Then he saw the lamb, the farmer says. Tone Marstein Benjaminsen can not understand how someone can do something like that to a lamb. Here she is with her sister, Grethe Anita Marstein. Photo: Private Not being sent to pasture Benjaminsen took the lamb home and called a veterinarian. – The lid on the rubbish bin was closed, and it was very hot those days. They must have been like a sauna in there, she says. The lamb recovered after treatment. But it is still a bit affected after the incident, and will not be sent out to summer grazing with the other animals. – It will survive, but it is still very emaciated, says Benjaminsen.
