German schoolgirls confess to killing a girl of the same age (12) – Latest news – news

14 March 2023 at 15:19 German schoolgirls confess to killing a girl of the same age (12) Two German girls aged 12 and 13 admit to having stabbed a 12-year-old girl to death near the small town of Freudenberg, the police say. Murder victim Luise was reported missing on Saturday when she did not return home as planned after leaving a friend’s house near Freudenberg, which is located in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The next day, she was found murdered in a wooded area near her home. – The girl died as a result of extensive knife injuries and subsequent blood loss, says state prosecutor Mario Mannweiler in Koblenz at a press conference on Tuesday. He says there were no signs of any sexual crime. The head of the police’s homicide section, Florian Locker, says two girls aged 12 and 13 have “explained themselves about the case and confessed to the crime”. He says the two knew Luise. Due to the age of the suspects, he did not want to give further details. The criminal minimum age in Germany is 14, and the girls cannot therefore be held criminally responsible. The murder weapon has not yet been found. (© NTB)
