– Do not send luggage now – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– I had little in my hand luggage, so the first day at Naxos I went shopping. It was quite hot with denim in 30 degrees … That’s what Tone Berge says. She left Flesland on Friday 17 June and turned her nose south to Athens, with a stopover in Copenhagen. “Arriving in Greece, we were left standing after the last suitcase was taken off the tape,” she tells news. Both Berge and her husband were without suitcases, and in the Greek capital, their luggage was reported lost. WITHOUT Luggage: Tone Berge and her husband lost their luggage on the way to the island of Naxos in Greece. When the luggage is finally reunited with the owners, they have been without it for 11 days. Photo: private – Travel only with hand luggage The couple from Bergen are not alone in losing their suitcases this summer. Airports around Europe are struggling to handle luggage, due to a combination of lack of personnel and increased numbers of passengers. And now the outing starts in full. In If, they have from May to June seen an increase in delayed luggage of over 100 percent, and they think it will be even worse. CABIN CASE: The insurance companies advise you to do as this lady at Schiphol in Amsterdam – to choose a suitcase you can take with you on the plane. Photo: Piroschka vann de Wouw / Reuters – The increase is significant, and we are past the previous normal year which was in 2019, says communications director Andreas Handeland in If. The advice is therefore clear from all of them: Drop checked baggage. – When we look at the development in the number of inquiries, we are clear that this summer you should only travel with hand luggage. Do not send luggage now. That’s what Ole Irgens, communications manager at Tryg insurance, says. DROP CHECKED BAGGAGE: Ole Irgens in Tryg warns, like the other insurance companies, to send luggage this summer. Photo: press photo Also in Gjensidige, customers on holiday have also called who have lost their luggage now. – The biggest trouble is in Rome and at Schiphol, says Bjarne Aani Rysstad, who is communications manager at Gjensidige. – Many shifts in the last days of the holiday Tone Berge and her husband received codes to be able to follow their luggage on the journey down to Greece, and the couple tried to search for the luggage in the following days, without success. There were several telephones and emails, but no one had news about their suitcases. Yesterday the trip continued to the island of Koufonissi, still without luggage. – After checking into the hotel here, they called from the airport on Naxos – then the suitcases had arrived there. The couple has decided to leave their luggage at the hotel in Naxos to avoid further complications. They will return to the island over the weekend, and spend the last holidays there, until July 2. Then they have been without luggage 11 days of the 16-day holiday. – At least we have many shifts in the last days of the holiday! For the record: Tone Berge works for news Vestland. How to travel with only hand luggage The advice from the insurance companies is clear: Leave the largest suitcases at home, and try to pack smartly – in cabin luggage. Dagmar Bern, who has written a book about packing small things, tells news that one should be most ruthless about toiletries. – Bring samples of cosmetics and creams, or buy what you need locally when you arrive. URINE SAMPLES: Glasses from the pharmacy intended for urine samples are perfect for shampoo, conditioner and cleanser, according to Dagmar Bern. Photo: private If you travel south in Europe, you can safely pack the thinnest garments, and they should always be rolled in the suitcase, not folded. This is how you save a lot of space, she reminds. – Also bring some Biotex or other washing powder and wash clothes along the way. People blow in if you wear the same dress several times. PACK SMART: Dagmar Bern has written a book about packing small, and says she can travel well on a week’s holiday with only a cabin suitcase. Photo: private She also believes that it is completely unnecessary to pack the “just in case” garments. – Just bring your favorite clothes, the ones you know you will use. You do not need many shoes on holiday, according to her. Only one pair of good shoes, and one pair of lightweight ones. – Travel in the heaviest and bring the lightest. Here are your rights If you still have to bring checked luggage and this disappears while you are traveling, you have some rights in your travel insurance. It will cover the purchase or rental of necessary equipment as long as you are without your luggage, says Bjarne Aani Rysstad in Gjensidige. In Tryg, If and in Gjensidige, up to NOK 5,000 is paid per person for necessary articles. Previously, it was a given number of hours the suitcase had to be gone, now the insurance applies if the luggage does not come with the same plane as you, Ole Irgens in Tryg informs. – But it must of course be in proportion. If it arrives after an hour, then you do not need a summer collection and a new set of toiletries. REMEMBER PIR: Communications Director Bjarne Aani Rysstad in Gjensidige reminds that you must be able to document delayed luggage with a report you receive after arriving at the airport. Photo: Mats Stordal Remember to go to the counter Payment for delayed luggage requires documentation from all insurance companies. Upon arrival, you must contact the airline’s arrival service and request a PIR report. You must have this to cover your purchases, because it confirms on the spot that the luggage has not arrived. – Remember that the purchases must be documented, so take care of all receipts, reminds Rysstad in Gjensidige. Tips! Hey! Have you lost your luggage in the last few days? Then we would like to hear from you!
