Israel extends a hand to Iranians – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Iran and Israel were close allies for millennia, but the bond of friendship was severed when Ayatollah Khomeini came to power in 1979. However, in a new speech, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks directly to the Iranian people: – Our common enemy is the Islamic regime, he says in an interview with the exile-based TV channel Iran International. Israel has repeatedly criticized the Iranian regime for developing nuclear weapons. Now he is talking about how Iranians have highlighted the threats from their own authorities through the demonstrations in the country. – The regime is terrified because the Iranian people have revealed their true nature to the world. Read also: UN on Iran: Using the death penalty to crush rebellion According to Netanyhu, Israel and the Iranian people will finally come together: – I believe that when the Iranian people are freed from the murderous grip of this regime, there will be a flourishing of Iranian civilization , economy and culture. You will see a cooperation between Iran and Israel that people cannot imagine. Opponent of nuclear deal Netanyahu is opposed to the nuclear deal which several Western leaders have wanted to revive. He believes that the sanctions cuts in the agreement do not enrich Iranians, but their leaders. IRANIAN MISSILES: The threat of nuclear weapons from Iran is increasingly felt by the country’s neighbours. Photo: Vahid Salemi / AP According to the Israeli Prime Minister, Western leaders should react to the regime. – I ask them to help free the Iranian people, both for their sake, but also for our own security. – To those who say that if we act against the regime, we will face a war, I want to say: You will face a war, potentially a nuclear war, if you do not do it. Changing Iran expert Arvin Khoshnood does not disagree with the warning. – The nature of the regime is aggressive. It is an institutionalized version of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group. It aims to spread its ideology, starting from the Middle East, in order to strengthen its power and influence globally. IRAN EXPERT: Arvin Khoshnood has been researching Iran issues for several years. He says that sanctions relief has supported terrorist financing and repression policies. Photo: PRIVAT According to the expert, the regime is only strengthened when sanctions are removed. – The reliefs have by no means benefited the population, which is evident from the increasing poverty in the country. Khoshnood believes that the approach to the regime in Iran is changing, but that faith in diplomatic solutions remains. He believes that a sign of change is that the newly established opposition in exile participated in the security conference in Munich. Iranian officials were not invited. Another sign is the invitation to the Iranian Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi to give a speech in the EU. And a third is that there is a majority in the EU Parliament to label the Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist. INTO THE HEAT: The three Iranian opposition figures Masih Alinejad, Nazanin Boniadi and Reza Pahlavi attended the security conference in Munich. Photo: ODD ANDERSEN / AFP – All this shows that many Western politicians believe that the Iranian people should be supported in their attempt to overthrow the regime. On the other hand, the EU has still not given up faith in a new nuclear agreement. Friends in the past and future Meanwhile, relations between Iran and Israel are becoming more tense. Earlier, Ayatollah Khamenei called the Jewish state “a malignant cancer” that must be “removed and eradicated”. With the news that Iranian uranium particles have been enriched to just below the limit of what is necessary for use in nuclear weapons, Khamenei’s threat is perceived as more real. This is also how the leadership in Iran tramples on the people’s desire for friendship with their Israeli neighbours, says Khoshnood. – The two peoples have nothing against each other and hope to live side by side as, not just peaceful neighbours, but neighbors who can cooperate and support each other. Historically they have done this, and in the future they may do the same. FRIENDS: The Israeli flag along with the pre-Islamic sun-and-lion flag of Iran. Photo: Oded Balilty / AP
