The accommodation and catering industry lacks routines for dealing with sexual harassment – news Trøndelag

– I think the vast majority of them have shortcomings in their routines there, because it is a large and very difficult topic. That’s what the daily manager of Lokal Bar in Trondheim, Andrew Christoffer Anfinnsen, says. He talks about routines for dealing with sexual harassment. Because even with the routines in place, they are of no use if they don’t talk about topics in the workplace, he points out. Exposed industry In the last five years, the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority has carried out 833 inspections in the accommodation and catering industry. In 55 per cent of the cases, they found breaches in the routines, or no routines for handling sexual harassment. Violations of routines by county This is how inspections are distributed, and violations of routines, by county: Viken: 176 inspections, 56% violations Oslo: 148 inspections, 47% violations Rogaland: 85 inspections, 62% violations Vestland: 73 inspections, 64% violations Trøndelag: 68 inspections, 49% violations Vestfold and Telemark: 56 inspections, 61% violations Nordland: 56 inspections, 46% violations Inland: 53 inspections, 58% violations Troms and Finnmark: 52 inspections, 52% violations Agder: 37 inspections, 65 % of violations Møre and Romsdal: 25 inspections, 60% violations Svalbard: 4 inspections, 25% violations Despite the industry’s targeted efforts to prevent sexual harassment, there is a long way to go. – In the accommodation and catering industry there is a particularly high risk of being exposed to sexual harassment. That’s according to director of the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority, Trude Vollheim. Director of the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority, Trude Vollheim, points out that the law requires you to have measures in place to prevent harassment. But measures and routines are worth nothing if they are not talked about. Photo: Morten Andersen / news And there are several reasons for that, she explains. There are many young people who work there, many young women – and there is a large turnover of labour. In many companies, sexual harassment is not discussed. And if it is not discussed, the employees do not know where to turn, where the boundaries are or what the consequences are. – A routine is not worth anything if it is put in a drawer and then it stays there. It is extremely important that you bring up the topic, points out Vollheim. A continuous process At Lokal Bar in Trondheim, routines for dealing with sexual harassment are a topic they constantly have on the agenda. Harassment can occur between guest and guest, between guest and staff and between staff. – Perhaps the easiest thing is to sweep your own yard – to keep things tidy internally. In any case, there should not be any internal harassment in the company, says daily manager Andrew Christoffer Anfinnsen. Daily manager of Lokal Bar in Trondheim, Andrew Christoffer Anfinnsen, points out that pubs are more than a place to get drunk. There should be a little freedom from everyday life, but not freedom from etiquette and social norms, he says. Photo: Morten Andersen / news What he sees as challenging is to make the guests feel safe in the outhouse. – Someone will probably dismiss it and think: “Yes, yes, that’s how it is. I’m out at a bar and people are drunk”. – But that’s not how it should be, says Anfinnsen. The guests often do not know that they can notify the bartenders or guards who are at work. Episode a little while ago At Olivia Restaurants they also experience sexual harassment. It is often worst during the Christmas dinner season, says Kristin Arnkværn, who is head of HR in the company. Kristin Arnkværn in Olivia Restaurants says that it is part of the training to learn how to handle it if you or others are exposed to sexual harassment. Photo: private The harassment usually comes in the form of comments or touching, often from angry customers. – We had a case at one of our restaurants some time ago. Then there were three men sitting at a table, and one of them said to one of our female waitresses: “We both want to sleep with you”. The case was notified and the management group had a meeting about the episode and advice on how it can be handled. This is also how they work at Lokal Bar, with regular meetings to talk about how they can get better. What are good routines? According to the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority, employees must receive training and, together with the employer, they must discuss where the boundaries for sexual harassment of the individual are. And most importantly: Take those who speak up about experienced sexual harassment very seriously. – No one should cross the line for sexual harassment. All must be taken very seriously within this topic, adds Vollheim.
