Pleasure boats in full fire at Halhjem – news Vestland

All emergency services have moved out to Vargavågen, between Osøyro and Halhjem in Bjørnafjorden municipality, after a fire was reported in a sailboat. The fire was reported at 12.25. It quickly became clear that the situation was escalating. Has created safety zone – The latest is that the fire has spread to three boats. It has also been reported that there will be a propane plant on board one of the boats, says operations manager in the West police district, Eivind Hellesund. The police have therefore established a safety zone of 100 meters. It has not been reported that any people have been injured. The owner of the first boat that caught fire, which also has a propane plant on board, was not present when the fire started. – Working to cool down The boats are located by Os boat club, and not far from the ferry connection Halhjem-Sandvikvåg on E39. – As of now, there is still a danger that the propane will go into the air. The fire service is working to cool down and extinguish, says Hellesund. According to the police, if the propane does not explode, the fire service has good faith that the fire will not spread further. Vargavågen is a popular boat harbor between Osøyro and Sørneset in Bjørnafjorden.
