REC Solar plans start-up for over 100 employees – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– The employees are hit hard by this decision. We are in an extremely demanding situation that will affect many people and families. We feel that strongly today. This is what REC Solar’s chief shop steward Andreas Hadland says after it became known that more than 50 employees may lose their jobs in the event of a partial start-up. He is disappointed with the decision. In August last year, it was announced that the company would close down for up to 26 weeks. The background was supposed to be high electricity prices. In September, production was put on hold, and 200 employees were laid off. During the layoff period, around 80 employees have resigned and found jobs elsewhere. Chief shop steward at REC Solar, Andreas Hadland, tells news that they have mobilized everything they can. Photo: TOM NICOLAI KOLSTAD / news – It’s a shame that REC Solar Norway had around 250 employees in Kristiansand and Porsgrunn at the start of layoffs. At a general meeting three weeks ago, it became clear that they are working towards a partial start-up of the factory. In the case of a start-up, this can therefore include the employment of more than 100 employees, explains CEO Jan Enno Bicker. – We are continuously working on the plans, and we are strengthened in our belief in success, he says. Bicker emphasizes that nothing has been finally decided, and that it is the board that will decide on a possible start-up later in March. CEO Jan Enno Bicker Rec Solar Photo: Tom Nicolai Kolstad / news The number of people made redundant will probably increase if they are unable to reopen the factory before the layoff period expires on 26 March. – It is unfortunate that the current situation means that we cannot take back all employees. We know that this will create challenges for talented and good colleagues whom we no longer have the opportunity to employ, says Bicker. At the same time, he is happy that they can offer work for more than 100 employees at a start-up. – We are not giving up The reactions following the news that REC Solar may be laying off several employees have not been long in coming. Working committee member Cay Nordhaug in Industri Energi, who represents many of the employees in REC Solar, would like to have been apart of this situation. – We think this is terribly boring. The shop stewards want a full start of production again. – It is of course good that the 100 are coming back. But we can hope, when the EU comes on board with initiatives for the solar industry, that it can move towards a full start-up again. At least the shop stewards are not giving up. Labor committee member Cay Nordhaug in Industri Energi says the shop stewards are not giving up on a full production start-up. Photo: Anna Rut Tørressen / news Deputy mayor of Kristiansand municipality, Erik Rostoft (TVP) would like to see a REC Solar in good health in Kristiansand. He says the municipality will try to facilitate where they can. – But this is a group where we do not have management rights. We are incredibly sorry for this. Both for the families and the concept itself. Regional leader of LO Agder Mette Gundersen also thinks this is sad. – I think this is a very sad day. This has major consequences for those directly affected, but also for their families. Regional manager of LO Agder, Mette Gundersen can see that the shop stewards have worked hard to get REC Solar back into full production. Photo: Svein Sundsdal / news In dialogue about electricity support Before the shutdown, Bicker was in dialogue with the authorities about electricity support. On 22 August, Industry Minister Jan Christian Vestre (Ap) visited REC Solar in Kristiansand. There he participated in a closed meeting with management, shop stewards and employees. – It is important that the companies operate at their own expense and risk. If we shift this balance too much and the taxpayers have to stand up when it becomes too difficult, over time it will weaken the productivity and value creation of business in the country, Vestre told news after the meeting. On 4 January this year, the matter was also raised in the Storting’s Question Time. Then the Minister of Business and Industry stated that it is not the job of the Minister of Business, Industry or the Government to explain to Norwegian private business owners what agreements they should have. Fædrelandsvennen has previously written that REC Solar Norway had a deficit of almost NOK 2.4 billion in 2021, which, according to the newspaper, was four times as much as the income. This is Rec Solar: Rec Solar produces silicon for use in solar cells. The solar cell manufacturer Rec was founded in Norway in 1996. In 2013, Rec was split into Rec Solar and Rec Silicon. In autumn 2021, Rec Solar Norway was acquired by Indian Reliance Industries. Behind this company stands Asia’s richest man, Indian Mukesh Ambani.
