Reports severe weather and forest fire danger in southern Norway this weekend – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– It has been a long time since precipitation has fallen and recently the air has been dry, says meteorologist Per Egil Haga. The old and brown vegetation that has been lying under the snow has dried and poses a risk of forest fire. That is why the Meteorological Institute has issued a yellow warning. – Rarely – There will be a lot of nice weather at the weekend, but also considerably colder, says Haga. He recommends thinking carefully about where you light a fire. – In the first part of the weekend there will be some wind, which means that heather fires can spread easily, he says. Yellow danger level Yellow is used for a moderately dangerous situation, which can cause damage locally. Yellow danger alerts are sent out when minor consequences are expected. Most people will be able to continue their daily tasks, but those who, e.g. planning outdoor activities, should be aware or possibly stay indoors. There may be damage locally Power cuts may occur Traffic delays are likely Wind can make it dangerous to be in the mountains Read more about different levels of danger. Haga says it is rare for the Meteorological Institute to issue a hazard warning so early in the year. – When the snow melts in dry spring months, fire can occur, he says. At the weekend, the north wind will bring cold air masses down to southern parts of the country. Temperatures are expected in some places to vary from -3 to 3 degrees. – You probably have to dress in winter clothes, says Haga. A lot of wind in the north From Friday evening to Saturday morning, local snowfall is expected in Nordland due to strong winds and snow showers. SNØFOKK: In the north, a lot of wind and snowpack have been reported. Photo: Meteorological Institute A north-westerly stiff to strong gale and periodic small storms are expected in exposed areas.
