“Snusfluenser” Johannes (25) on a possible snus ban: – Is this a fever dream?

The Minister of Health wants to change the fact that around one in four young people snuff daily, writes VG. Some of the measures she is considering are banning all flavored snus, and banning tobacco for future generations. This is according to sources for the newspaper. It seems Johannes Uthaug is “right on the nose”. He is known as “Snusleppa” on TikTok, where he has 155,000 followers. Snusleppa tells news that he started by making videos about snus in quarantine during the corona pandemic, and continued when he received a positive response. Uthaug films himself while testing different flavored snus types. He believes it should be up to each individual whether they want to use tobacco products. – Drinking cola is worse for the body than taking snuff, says Uthaug. – We are in a backward country when they call it a snuff epidemic. We talk about the decriminalization of hard drugs, but then we will tighten the tobacco policy. Is this a fever dream? continues Uthaug. The tightening of Norwegian tobacco policy is the topic of tonight’s Debate on NRK1. You can follow the broadcast here: New proposal could in future mean a smoking age limit of 60, 70 and 80 years. – No documented harmful effects to health Uthaug believes there are no good reasons for a ban on flavored snus, as it has not been proven that the product is harmful to health. – We have had snuff for well over 200 years, and no one has yet proven that anyone has died from snuff. There is a reason why the warning on snuff boxes had to be changed from this tobacco product “is harmful to health” to this tobacco product “can be harmful to health”, says Uthaug. Helsenorge writes on its website that snus contains substances harmful to health, and advises pregnant women against using the product. – Children ask where they can buy the snus he chooses to test. Uthaug is rebuffed by fellow influencer Jennie Sofie Lie Pickl (22). Influencer Jennie Sofie Lie Pickl has 278,000 followers on Instagram. She is very critical of the promotion of snus on social media. Photo: Ismail Burak Akkan / news – I don’t want to get involved in what Johannes does in his spare time. But he chooses to promote snuff and other drugs in his channels to a very young audience. It is illegal in Norway. – I have seen in his comments that children as young as 13 ask where they can buy the snus he chooses to test. I am critical of that when it comes to drugs that can be carcinogenic and are addictive. Johannes Uthaug tells a possible underage TikTok user where he can buy the snus he tests in a video. Photo: Skjermdump / news news has seen several comments from underage TikTok users on Uthaug’s snus videos. Uthaug himself denies that he has minor followers, and points out that he mentions the age limit for snuff in his videos. He also says he doesn’t promote snus, because he doesn’t get paid to make any of his videos. – I show off snus, test snus, but I still don’t want to call it promotion, says Uthaug. Minister of Health and Care Ingvild Kjerkol (Ap) will not comment on the upcoming public health report and any tobacco measures to news. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news – Won’t do the young people any good Lie Pickl is critical of the sale of flavored snus: – I haven’t tried snus, so I don’t know what snus tastes like. But then I know that many people don’t start because they think it tastes absolutely terrible. Adding something cool and ‘trendy’ like a limited edition flavor can make it more attractive. I don’t think it will do the young people any good. Uthaug believes he is acting responsibly. – Every time I test snus, I inform you that there is an 18-year-old limit. I’ve made videos about how sniffing is not cool at all, so I’ll say I’m responsible. Should a smoking ban be introduced for future generations? The government is considering a lifetime ban on smoking and a ban on flavored snus, according to VG. Should tobacco rules be tightened? Discuss here. Hello! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue
