“Kåss til kvelds” is closed – news Culture and entertainment

– The state budget that was put forward last autumn has meant that news has had to make a number of tough priorities in many areas, says editor-in-chief Vivi Stenberg to news. The first episode of the talk show program with Else Kåss Furuseth and Markus Neby was broadcast on 29 February 2020. Good atmosphere on the sofa, despite the fact that it is the last episode. Photo: Julia Marie Naglestad / news Now there is only one broadcast left before the program is cancelled. – The closure is linked to the savings that news must make in 2023, which unfortunately also affects the entertainment offer at the weekend. That is the main reason why Kåss is ending tonight, she continues. Watch the latest episode of “Kåss til Kvelds”: Einar Tørnquist, Kevin Kildal and Jorun Stiansen are sitting on Else and Markus’ sofa. – Feels a sense of sadness that we will not be allowed to continue When asked by news what it was like to have the last broadcast, presenter Markus Neby replies that it is both sad and wistful. – We have to look a little outside ourselves, that we are shut down is a small matter in the world, continues co-host Else Kåss Furuseth. – But we wish we could continue. We’ve been allowed to remind people that it’s okay to mess around a bit, she adds. “Kåss til kvelders” is shut down: Comes with a sting to the news management. – We feel a generosity that people say yes so much, and a sadness that we cannot continue, says Furuseth. – We have done an insane amount, and I wish we had done more, concludes Neby. Financial cuts Last autumn it became clear that news must cut at least NOK 300 million in 2023, which corresponds to around 5 percent of the total budget. It then also emerged that around half of the cuts would affect news’s ​​content productions. Many celebrities have made short guest appearances in Kåss in the evenings. Here it is Harald Rønneberg who pops in Photo: Julia Marie Naglestad / news The viewing figures for “Kåss til kvelds” are between 480,000 and 620,000 for each episode in 2023. Tonight they record the last chapter. – “Kåss til kvelds” has delivered seven seasons with many incredibly funny and great TV moments and is solid TV entertainment, so of course it is sad to have to close this programme, Stenberg concludes.
