The Fosen action in Oslo: – Staying here until we are carried out – news Sápmi

Together with people from the Norwegian Sami National Confederation’s youth organization and Nature and Youth, the 25-year-old from Finnmark has been sitting at the reception since Thursday morning. – We have all said that we will stay here until we are carried out by force, she says. The background for the action is a judgment in the Supreme Court that was handed down on 11 October 2021. The judgment established that the permission granted for the construction of wind power at Fosen in Trøndelag was invalid. The demonstrators believe that the consequence of the verdict is that the wind turbines must be demolished so that the reindeer husbandry industry gets back the areas they have used. Assessing the security risk Ever since the action started on Thursday morning, the ministry’s security organization has continuously assessed the situation. On Friday afternoon, press officer Espen Evensen in DSS says that they are keen to make arrangements for everyone to be able to express themselves as long as it does not compromise the security of the ministry. – How long the protesters can stay in R5 therefore depends on a continuous assessment of whether it is a security risk that they stay there, he says. – Will it be appropriate to ask for assistance from the police to remove the demonstrators? – If it is assessed that the demonstration poses a security risk, DSS will ask the Oslo police district for support, replies Espen Evensen. DEMONSTRATION: The ministry constantly assesses whether the action poses a security risk. Photo: news – Force us to go on hunger strike? On the night of Friday, 13 protesters were lying on the floor in the reception at the Ministry of Oil and Energy (OED). The building in Akersgata is called R5. No one was allowed in with food for them. On Friday morning, Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen wrote this on Instagram: “Several people want to bring us food, and are ready with it outside, but the guards won’t let them in the door. Do they intend to force us to go on hunger strike?” Later in the morning, the Departments’ Security and Service Organization (DSS) opened up for the demonstrators to deliver food. A security check is carried out. and the food is scanned before it can be delivered to the demonstrators. Leading priest of the Trinity Church, Pål Kristian Balstad, is among those who have given food to the activists. – These young people have not eaten since yesterday, and when DSS opened up today to deliver food for an hour, we provided practical help to support the commitment they have to the difficult situation at Fosen, says Balstad to news. FOOD: Priest Pål Kristian Balstad (th) brought food to the demonstrators on Friday. – Arouses strong reactions State Secretary in the OED, Amund Vik (Ap), tells news that he understands the commitment. – This case arouses strong reactions. It is important for us to come to a decision in these matters which enables us to comply with our obligations towards the reindeer husbandry industry and Sami rights. – But that it has taken some time and that is regrettable, but it is important that we have a good process around this, says Vik to news. The State Secretary says he is not ruling anything out with regard to the further process. JOB: State Secretary Amund Vik in OED. Photo: Christine Fagerbakke / news. The demand from the campaigners and the affected reindeer herders is that the turbines be demolished. – We do not want to rule out any solutions at the present time. What we are working on now is to determine a good knowledge base to be able to make the final decision in the end, says Amund Vik. – Whether that means that all the turbines have to go down, some turbines have to go down or other mitigating measures, it is too early to say, but that is the work we are doing now, says the state secretary. Here is the development of the action:
