Nav admits new EEA error – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Nav writes in a press release that they are changing the practice for child benefit, cash support and benefits for single mothers or fathers. The background for the changes is a statement from the EFTA Court that transitional allowance for a single mother or father is a family benefit. – On the basis of the statement, we have reviewed and changed the practice for all benefits that are considered family benefits according to the EEA regulations, says Eve Vangsnes Bergli, director of benefits at Nav. About the EFTA Court’s opinion The EFTA Court said in its opinion that transitional allowance is a family benefit and that it is therefore covered by the EU’s social security regulation (Article 3 no. 1 letter j). Norway has, ever since Council Regulation (EEC) 1408/71 entered into force (for Norway 01.01.1994), assumed that benefits under the National Insurance Act Chapter 15 are not covered by the regulation, because the purpose of the benefit has been support for a single mother or father and not a benefit to the family and thus falls outside social security coordination. These are covered by the changes The changes mean, among other things, that parents who live with the child in another EEA country can have an independent right to family benefits from Norway. There should also no longer be a distinction between parents who have never lived together and married, divorced, separated or previously cohabiting parents. The change means that even parents who have never lived together are entitled to family benefits from Norway if one of the parents is covered by the Norwegian social security scheme. Changes back to 1994 For child benefit and benefits for a single mother or father, the change in practice applies with effect from 1 January 1994, writes Nav. For cash support, the change applies from 1 August 1998, which is the month the benefit was introduced into Norwegian law. – We ask those who think they may be affected by the changes to contact us. We have no overview of who this may apply to, and it will therefore be very difficult and time-consuming to look for them, says Eve Vangsnes Bergli in the press release.
