– Shot to scare – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

22 February 2023 at 18:33 Alleged to have argued about money before the Furuset shooting: – Shot to scare The accused after the shooting at Ikea in Furuset on Tuesday was questioned on Wednesday. This is confirmed by police inspector Grete Lien Metlid in the Oslo police to news. – He has explained himself in detail about both the course of events and motive, but we will not give any more details about what came out in the interrogation as of now, says Metlid. The man in his 40s denies criminal guilt for attempted murder, but admits to having shot with a two-handed AK-47 automatic rifle. This is what the accused’s defender, Øystein Ola Storrvik, told news. – He felt he was in a pressured situation because of a previous history. He has said in questioning that he shot to scare, and not to kill, says Storrvik. According to news’s ​​information, at least four shots were fired. The conflict is about money, says the defender.
