Whistleblowers have a right to be taken seriously – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The defense management, shop stewards and the Minister of Defense sat in a meeting this morning following news’s ​​revelations about the whistleblower cases in the Defence. Bjørn Arild Gram emphasized before the meeting that most people are safe in the Armed Forces as employees and conscripts. – Our challenge is that it is not good enough that almost everyone is doing well, says the Minister of Defence. – I experienced it as a trust-building and productive meeting. Some of the challenges we face in the Armed Forces were addressed, and then good measures were brought to the table from the union representatives and others in the meeting, says leader of the Military Women’s Network Amanda Bergh to news. – We need adult commanders with education who treat soldiers with respect, and I feel that was addressed today, says Bergh. Bergh emphasizes that it is very burdensome to take on the burden of notifying. – The armed forces have great potential for improvement in communicating the process and providing information to whistleblowers and whistleblowers in the process. At the same time, I would say that the Armed Forces are an incredibly good workplace for most people, including conscripts. I can recommend service in the Armed Forces. Centralizing the notification Eirik Kristoffersen announces that new measures must be in place in the Norwegian Armed Forces by 1 August. Photo: Emrah Senel / news Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen says after the meeting that the Whistleblowing Institute in the Defense Force will now be raised to central level. – There must be a central reporting unit in the Armed Forces to which everyone can report. It must have an overview of all alerts and be supported by technological solutions. This is how the cases that are notified about should follow the people after the handling is done, says Kristoffersen. The armed forces must also improve their ability to provide information to whistleblowers during the process. The measures must be in place by 1 August. – Until then, we will use the system we have and work continuously to improve the culture. – What would you say to parents who are going to send their daughters to the Armed Forces? – It must be safe to serve in the Armed Forces, and no one in the Armed Forces has any ambition other than that it must be safe for absolutely everyone. Must take responsibility The Minister of Defense believes that more measures are needed. Photo: Emrah Senel / news After two hours, Defense Minister Gram summarizes that it was a “good and useful meeting”. – We have ambitions and want the best. We have to take a joint responsibility to ensure that we have the conditions that we want to have, says Gram to news. Gram says that work has already been started to clean it up. – Those measures must be given time to work, but we must constantly look for new measures, says Gram. Gram says that one must be aware of how the hierarchy and masculine values ​​play into the culture of the Armed Forces. – What do you want to say to those who report? – It is very important that whistleblowers are taken very seriously. They have a right to that, says Gram. – More bad cultures Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen has so far denied that there is a general bad culture in the Armed Forces, but has acknowledged that the news revelations show a cultural problem. Several women who have told about sexual harassment and rape in the primary service have responded that the chief of defense does not want to use the word “immorality”. – That is absolutely what it is. It is an unculture. I’m almost a little offended and hurt that he says it isn’t, says a young woman to news. Kristoffersen was asked the question again today: – One lack of culture is too imprecise, so I would rather say that we have uncovered several lack of culture in the Armed Forces. It concerns the use of language, the way conscripts are treated in their initial service, the transition from being a civilian to the Armed Forces and how we have handled whistleblowers, says Kristoffersen. Several have highlighted the issue of men and women sharing rooms in the Armed Forces. Kristoffersen has received feedback from the shop stewards that this is an arrangement for which there is great support. – The problem is not that they share a room, but that someone does not behave. We will continue to have mixed rooms, but it must also be open to those who do not wish to live in a room where there is no mix between the sexes, says Kristoffersen. – Expecting immediate measures Amanda Bergh says she feels that the Chief of Defense is now taking responsibility for cleaning up: – I feel a great responsibility myself, because his intention is clear. It is up to the commanders below, and the rest of us in the Armed Forces, to translate it into action, says Bergh Chief union representative in the Army Viktor Fladmoe was satisfied with the meeting: – We feel that everyone around the table has the impression that this is serious and that we must take action now. The discussion was incredibly good, so it remains to be seen what measures will come from this in the short term, but also in the long term. – Do you believe in progress? – Absolutely. Gathering today shows how seriously this is taken. I am very happy about that. I have hope and expectations of immediate measures, says Fladmoe.
