Sexual harassment and abuse is completely unacceptable – Speech

We must have zero tolerance towards all forms of bullying and harassment. The people in the Armed Forces are the most important thing we have, and no one should have to experience what Silje FalmÃ¥r told about on news on 18 February this year. We have no use for people who bully and harass in the Armed Forces. Each and every case is one case too many. Firstly, no one should have to experience any of what Silje told about. No person should be subjected to sexual abuse. Second, any kind of abuse destroys our own defenses. The people in the Armed Forces must stand together in difficult situations, then we cannot have internal enemies who undermine us. Thirdly, the same people who commit abuses destroy the entire trust that our defense depends on with the population. The defense still has a way to go. We continuously work on what I believe is most important, namely prevention. Prevention should help ensure that what Silje experienced does not happen. The armed forces have implemented many measures, but we are not on target. We will also change the way harassment cases and subsequent reporting are handled. The measures recommended by PWC in its review of the handling of whistleblowing cases in the Norwegian Armed Forces are a good starting point, and by August whistleblowing must be handled in a different and better way than until now. To be clear to those who commit sexual abuse – find something else to do than work in the Armed Forces. The defense doesn’t need you. Stop destroying for individuals, our ability to defend and our will to defend. Thanks to Silje for telling your story. For all of us who saw and heard it, it hurt deep into the soul. We don’t want it like you described your first service. I am sincerely disappointed by the Armed Forces that I am so fond of, and which I know consists of many good and wonderful people. On behalf of us, I want to say sorry to you Silje. And know that the fight against bullying, harassment and sexual assault continues. I don’t give up.
