– Experiencing being deprived of the right to strike – news Vestland

The teachers’ strike last year lasted almost four months, before the government decided that the matter should go to the compulsory wage board. Thus, it was the National Salaries Board that was given the task of determining the salaries of the teachers. However, the longest teacher’s strike in Norwegian history was not successful in its demands, and thus gets the collective agreement they were striking against. – We are experiencing being deprived of the right to strike, says local team leader of the Education Association in Bergen, Bente Myrtveit. Effect from the end of the strike The teachers have demanded from the tribunal that the salary settlement should take effect from 1 June last year, but the tribunal has decided to follow the principle that it applies from the end of the strike on 27 September. – The main tariff agreement in the KS tariff area between KS and the other employee organizations in Unio is applied from 27 September 2022 to 30 April 2024, says the decision from the National Salary Board. All the teachers who have been waiting for last year’s salary increases will now receive a salary supplement of between NOK 14,700 and 16,100, depending on length of education and experience, KS informs. Teachers with less than four years’ seniority receive an additional salary supplement of between NOK 5,000 and 21,200, writes NTB.
