Silent about Instagram photo in podcast – Latest news – news

16 February 2023 at 07:59 Silence about Instagram photo in podcast Influencer Sophie Elise Isachsen does not mention the controversial Instagram photo in today’s episode of the news podcast “Sophie og Fetisha”. At the start of the episode, she says that in the car on the way to record the episode, she tried to find out which song suited her mood for the moment. – Miley, can you help me? Absolutely not, she says. Towards the end of the broadcast, she also says that she has thought a lot about a quote in recent days. – You know the quote “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, but my mother always said “No, no, what doesn’t kill you, doesn’t kill you”, and that’s exactly how I feel now, said Isaac. On Sunday, Isachsen posted a picture on Instagram where she and another influencer are posing in a mirror, where the other influencer is holding a small, transparent plastic bag with empty contents. Several have interpreted the contents as narcotic substances. The post was removed shortly afterwards. So far, the Instagram post has led to 2,000 complaints to the Broadcasting Council, which makes the case the third most covered case to the council. Now member of the Broadcasting Council and former politician, Trude Drevland, has asked that the matter be taken up at the next meeting on 9 March.
