PST receives sharp criticism for drone use. Stops the use of a type of drone. – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

In a letter from the EOS committee to PST that news has gained access to, it is stated that PST has broken the law. “The committee cannot see that PST has authorization for such use of drones. The practice is illegal and should be stopped immediately.” Admits use PST admits the use of drones, but assistant PST manager Hedvig Moe says that they have complied with the guidelines given by the Attorney General in the autumn of 2021. – We considered those guidelines to be correct for our drone use, but the EOS committee therefore says that they are not valid. This means that we are in a situation where the Attorney General says one thing and the EOS committee something else. The PST manager adds: – For us, it results in us not being able to use drones fully in the way we believe is important and correct to carry out our mission. Photo: Truls Alnes Antonsen / news news has contacted the Attorney General after speaking with PST and the EOS Committee, where Attorney General Jørn Sigurd Maurud says the following: “The Attorney General is aware of the EOS Committee’s view, and will soon provide more precise guidelines on use of drones for investigative purposes.” Intrusion into privacy In four cases, PST is said to have used drones illegally. The illegal use of drones must have occurred in preventive cases. This means matters such as scouting and monitoring of areas where it is believed that something of interest may be taking place or that work is being done to prevent criminal acts. The committee writes in its letter that the use of drones to collect information through image and sound recording will make an intrusion into privacy. Therefore, such use of drones requires authorization in the law. – This is a serious matter, we are in the area of ​​criminal law, where there is a requirement for a clear legal authority. PST does not have that in this case and that is why we have come up with such sharp criticism, says committee leader Astri Aas-Hansen. Photo: Truls Alnes Antonsen / news Ending use of one type of drone PST says that they have stopped the use of hidden camera surveillance with drones. – In this case, the EOS committee has asked us to end the use of a drone that we had here in PST, and we stopped that immediately after we received this letter, says Moe. Hedvig Moe emphasizes that: – We have operated with drones in accordance with the guidelines we have received from the Attorney General at the time we used them. But according to the EOS committee, this is illegal use? – Correct. The EOS committee says that the guidelines are not valid, and when they say they are not valid, it means that you should stop using drones in that way. The EOS committee wrote in the letter that PST itself is responsible: “The committee would like to emphasize that PST has an independent responsibility to ensure that the service has sufficient authority in law for the methods it uses.” What is the EOS range? The committee’s task is to carry out checks of intelligence, surveillance and security services whose purpose is to safeguard national security services. These services currently consist of the Police Security Service (PST), the Intelligence Service (E-service), the National Security Authority (NSM) and the Defense Security Department (FSA). Shall supervise the secret services, investigate complaints from individuals and organisations, and can take up cases and matters themselves. The EOS committee consists of 7 members who are elected by the Storting every four years. Source: EOS selection and SNL. Important work tool news has spoken to one of PST’s drone pilots. – Drones give us the ability to observe people, things and objects that would otherwise be difficult to see without compromising the case and personnel. Photo: Truls Alnes Antonsen / news He also says that the use of drones provides good decision-making support in ongoing situations.
