The head of the national weather service in China has been fired as a result of the balloon fad – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

It is the state-run Chinese news agency Xinhua that reports that the head of the national meteorological agency has been “relieved”, reports CNN. According to Xinhua, Zhuang Guotai resigned as head of the weather service on Friday, the day before the balloon was shot down by US warplanes. It was expected that Guotai would step down at a time when he has been given a high position in the Communist Party in Gansu province, but the sudden departure is nevertheless linked to the balloon row of the last few days. The purpose may be to point out that the balloon which has been hovering in American airspace for the past few days is linked to weather monitoring. While US authorities claim the balloon is a spy balloon capable of gathering intelligence, China is adamant that it is a weather balloon that has gone off course. The balloon only collects meteorological and other scientific data, according to Chinese authorities. Photos of the Chinese balloon hovering over the United States. The photo was taken when it was over Billings in Montana. Photo: Larry Mayer / AP Vows to catch up with China, however, is very unhappy that the US chose to shoot down the Chinese balloon. “The US attack on the civilian unmanned airship is clearly an overreaction. We protest against this American action and reserve the right to take necessary measures when dealing with similar situations”. China’s Ministry of Defense says so in a statement on Sunday morning, according to the Global Times newspaper. The country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs also comments on the decision to shoot down the balloon that has been hovering over the United States: “China expresses strong dissatisfaction and protests against the United States’ use of force to attack an unmanned, civilian airship.” The Chinese Foreign Ministry points out that US officials have stated that the balloon did not pose a military threat. They therefore argue that the shooting down is an overreaction, and a breach of international practice. “China will defend the legitimate rights and interests of the company involved, and reserves the right to make a further response,” writes the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, according to the New York Times. Shot down on Saturday night The balloon was shot down by an F-22 Raptor fighter jet, according to the US Department of Defense. President Joe Biden was informed about the Chinese balloon on Wednesday, shortly after it had been observed in the sky in Montana, in the far north of the United States. There is a military base in the state that stores nuclear missiles. A video filmed in Montana purports to show the suspected Chinese spy balloon that has been flying over the United States for several days. Biden ordered that the balloon should be shot down as soon as possible. Defense Minister Lloyd Austin and other experts advised to wait, as they were afraid of damage on the ground. The solution was to wait until the balloon was no longer over the American mainland, but on its way out into the Atlantic Ocean. According to ABC News, air traffic was halted in parts of North and South Carolina. An area of ​​250 square kilometers was temporarily closed. The shooting is said to have been successful. An operation is under way to salvage the remains of the wreck, which now lies at a depth of around 14 metres. The Americans should be interested in studying the balloon, which is just under 40 meters in diameter. The wind direction suggests that the balloon came from the central part of China. What is a spy balloon? There are no people on board, and the balloon has no engine either. However, it is equipped with solar panels, according to the US authorities. – The solar panels generate electricity, which allows an operator to control the balloon, says former intelligence officer, Cedric Leighton, to CNN. In theory, this means that the balloon can reach any destination, since the solar panels have unlimited flight time, writes Forbes. According to the Reuters news agency, a modern spy balloon is usually filled with helium and an instrument package, which may contain cameras, radars, sensors and communication equipment. – There are cameras that can be used for surveillance and espionage. They can also be equipped with sensors that can be used to eavesdrop on mobile phones, says researcher Caitlin Lee to CNN. According to the US Department of Defense, the balloon carries surveillance equipment. Surveillance balloons can scan an area from a distance, similar to satellites in space. But the spy balloons are far cheaper to use. In addition, you avoid sending them into the atmosphere, writes Danske Radio. They do not make noise and they fly so high into the air that they are difficult to reach. Not the first time that American authorities have known about the balloon over a certain period of time. They must have observed it before it entered the North American mainland. – This is not the first time this has happened. We have observed this type of activity on several occasions in recent years, says Ministry of Defense spokesperson Patrick Ryder. What stands out this time is how long the balloon has stayed in American airspace.
