Diggins hits back at the experts – Northug stands his ground – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

Despite falling, Diggins finished second in Saturday’s 10km freestyle in Toblach. She thus stands with three podium places in as many freestyle races after the Tour de Ski. She has emphatically responded to the criticism that came when she did not make it on the first stages of the tour. On 3 January, she was only number 40 in the 10 kilometer race in Oberstdorf. – What you conclude on is what you see, and it is a very powerless Diggins who walks diagonally, said news’s ​​expert commentator Fredrik Aukland then. TV 2 expert Petter Northug and Viaplay expert Åge Skinstad went further. Both believed Diggins should break the Tour de Ski, after several weak races and a body language that Northug criticized. – To be honest, it’s a bit difficult, because sometimes people miss the point. “If you can’t win, you should go home” – that’s not the point for me. I think that it is not the right message to send to young athletes, says Jessie Diggins in a major interview with news this weekend. Northug stands his ground Even though the American is now really back in the top of cross-country skiing, without having broken the Tour de Ski, Northug does not want to say that he and other experts gave Diggins bad advice. – We saw that the skis were bad, but we also saw that it was not the usual Jessie Diggins that we recognise. There were, in a way, several races in a row where it was the same body language. Then you have to judge based on that, says Northug to news. THINKS HE WAS RIGHT: Petter Northug. Photo: Anders Skjerdingstad / news The former cross-country king still insists that she should withdraw from the Tour de Ski. – I mean that based on what I saw. But of course it is Jessie Diggins who knows this best herself, and she is the one who knows her own body. We judge based on what the TV pictures show, and when it was so clear over several days, I think it was right, he says. – Don’t know the whole story When news meets Diggins, she is clear about what she thinks about the criticism she received after a disappointing Tour de Ski where she finished eleventh overall. – The fact that you do not win or have a bad day does not mean that you should give up just because it is difficult. Sometimes it’s important to take a step back and remember that athletes are people with feelings, but also that sometimes it’s not just about winning. FALSE SIGNAL: Says American cross-country star Jessie Diggins. Photo: Anders Skjerdingstad / news – Does it provoke you when someone says that “she is not in good shape, she should do something else”? – People don’t know if it’s your shape or not. No one knows. When you judge others, it’s important to remember that you don’t know the whole story, says Diggins and elaborates: – For example, when I struggled with eating disorders, I think there were many people who passed judgment on me, but they didn’t know the whole story, and it could really hurt me. Before you lash out at someone, sometimes it’s a good idea to take a step back and consider that you probably don’t know what’s going on in their lives. – She becomes a dangerous woman Northug understands that Diggins is reacting, and recalls his own career when cross-country experts always had an opinion about what he should do. – I must have been a bit annoyed, but then I liked fighting back then, just like we saw Jessie Diggins do, he says. The American star believes it is important not to give up, even if you have no chance of winning anymore, and calls giving up a bad signal. IN FORM: Jessie Diggins has three podiums in a row in freestyle. On Saturday, she finished second behind Ebba Andersson in Toblach. Photo: SALVATORE DI NOLFI / AP – It’s about really trying hard. Some of the athletes I respect and admire the most, they have races where they haven’t won, but they gave it their all. It’s so cool, so to say you should wrestle if you can’t win, that’s not something I believe in, says Diggins. – By the way, I agree with that. I liked reaching the finish line, whether I had a bad day or I had a good day. Jessie Diggins and. Then I think she likes to refute, and that’s gratifying. It looks like she’s in balance now, and that’s the most important thing. Then she will be a dangerous woman to fight with in the WC, replies Northug. The WC in Planica starts from 21 February to 5 March. The last test before the WC is the relay in Toblach, Italy, on Sunday.
