This is the tank Norway is ready to buy – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

What is a tank? Leopard 2 is a German tank. Stroller carts have belts and not wheels. They have particularly thick armor in the front and in the gun turret. They have big guns. There are many types of armored vehicles, but tanks are in a class of their own. Armored personnel vehicles, self-propelled artillery and armored personnel carriers are not tanks. Is it an assault weapon? Tanks like the Leopard 2 are the primary offensive weapon in an army. They must reach the enemy and crush them through superior firepower, shock effect and the vehicle’s physical characteristics. Tanks have cannons and machine guns that are used to fire at the enemy. The chariot scares the enemy and it can run over the enemy. Armored vehicles cannot operate alone. They must be supported by others, primarily infantry who both protect them and take ground from the enemy. Another main task of tanks is to combat enemy tanks. GOOD PROTECTION: Leopard 2A7 has very good armor and moves fast and agile. This means that the wagon provides good protection for the crew. Photo: KMW Norway has tanks. Are we getting anything new? The Leopard 2A4 vehicles Norway now has were produced during the Cold War. The latest edition of Leopard has far more modern electronic systems. These systems give the crew a better overview of what is happening around them. The crew also has a better opportunity to work together with other units. The electronics also ensure that the fire from the carriage can be aimed at the enemy faster and more precisely. The Leopard 2A7 also provides far better protection for the crew. Among other things, they have what is called explosive reactive armour. Such armor shatters armor-piercing weapons before they can penetrate the vehicle. What is the purpose of tanks? Tanks must ensure that the firepower of the big guns can be used against the enemy. The cannon must be able to be moved quickly even in rough terrain. The cannon, and the crew, must be protected so that it is possible to survive on the battlefield. To achieve this, tanks are equipped with thick armor, belts, strong engines and good sensors. How far can the cannon shoot? Leopard 2 uses a smoothbore cannon. The smooth barrel means it has no rifling in the barrel. The projectiles the cannon sends out are stabilized with fins. How far the cannon can shoot depends on, among other things, the ammunition used and the length of the barrel. Newer versions of the Leopard 2 have longer gun barrels than the older ones. Starting with version 2A6, the Leopard has such a longer cannon. It must be able to fire effectively at targets five kilometers away. How can Leopard 2 fire while running? The cannon is stabilized. This means that it can be kept aimed at a target even if the tank is moving. This is a big advantage in that the tank does not have to stand still to fire. This is not something unique to the Leopard 2, or to so-called Western tanks. Even older Russian tanks like the T-72 have stabilizers. How good the stabilizers are depends on sensors, electronics and mechanical parts. Also important is the system that points the cannon barrel in the right direction to be able to fire at a target. Leopard 2 has a fully digital system that helps to aim the cannon at the target quickly.
