The pupils want to do their bit for better care for the elderly: – We must have an extra heart for them

At Ålesund secondary school, some of the young people have started student businesses. The aim is to strengthen the psychological and social health of both young and elderly people. – The elderly are the ones we have to take care of. They have done a lot for us when they were younger. Therefore, we feel that we must have an extra heart for them, take care of them and make sure that they do not feel left out, says daily manager Thea Stensønes (16). In recent weeks, the spotlight on care for the elderly has come up with the Brennpunkt documentary “Care behind closed doors”, which has uncovered several objectionable conditions with a hidden camera. The pupils in Ålesund have also been impressed after watching. – We were so sad. It hurts to see someone struggling like that, when they ask for help and need help, and don’t get it, says Stensønes. Thea Stensønes hopes the seniors’ café will be an offer that will be well received. Photo: Annabelle Kårvåg Sørensen / news It has given the young people even greater motivation to make a difference. Next week they are organizing an elderly cafe where they will sell coffee and food, as one of several measures they have on the block. – We would not have had a good Norwegian welfare state if it had not been for the elderly, they have built up Norway. That’s why I think it’s very important that we help them, says Åsa Eldøy (16), communications manager in the student company. In the video, you see an elderly woman with a full nappy. news’s ​​filming revealed that the woman usually had her nappy changed twice a day. Once, a whole day passed between shifts. – Absolutely fantastic Eldreombodet has had a lot to do lately. They praise the initiative of the youth. – It is absolutely fantastic. It’s very nice that the young people are now taking action and starting to get involved in the issue that older politicians have been very bad at lately, says senior citizen representative Bente Lund Jacobsen. Elderly shop Bente Lund Jacobsen. The government has decided that the Eldreombode will be discontinued on 1 July. Photo: Annabelle Kårvåg Sørensen / news She believes that voluntary efforts are very important today for the elderly, but that even more of it is needed. – There will be more older people and fewer younger ones, and then it is so nice that younger people get involved, stand up, invent things and can do things together with older people. It will be great going forward, says Jacobsen. Willing to inspire others Åse Eldøy will also go into practice at a nursing home from time to time. She thinks it is very rewarding to be with the oldest among us. – I’m really looking forward to seeing what they think about the seniors’ café, whether it will be a success, which I really hope for. Then they get to gather, talk together, we get to talk to them, and hear stories and the like, says Eldøy. Åsa Eldøy is responsible for communications in the student company A helping hand. Photo: Annabelle Kårvåg Sørensen / news Do they know a responsibility to look after the elderly? – Yes, a little, at least I feel a responsibility to look after my grandparents. I think it is stupid if they are left alone. That’s why I’m with them very often to make sure they’re doing well, says Eldøy. The student company hopes to be able to take on more assignments in the future. They also want to inspire others to contribute. – We young people must have more respect for the elderly, we must be able to be there, support and help. We can show that we do it, so maybe more young people will do it too, says Thea Stensønes.
