Remi Solberg resigns as county council leader in Nordland due to long covid – news Nordland

The reason for Solberg’s resignation is the late effects of corona disease. – It has been a great frustration that my health has not been good enough to be able to continue in my job, he says to news. It was last spring that, like many Norwegians, he got corona. – Then I got classic symptoms with brain fog and difficulty concentrating. In addition, he felt he had little energy and became tired of doing “nothing”. This affects work capacity to such an extent that Solberg has now chosen to resign as leader of the county council in Nordland. – This is of course very sad, but I take note of the decision, says leader of the Nordland Labor Party, Mona Nilsen, in a press release. Solberg has been in the position since 15 October last year. He now chooses to be open about the illness that prevents him from working. – There are many of us who struggle with this. Then I think it is important that I, as a public figure, am open about this. I have been contacted by several people who have appreciated that I have been open, and who are in the same situation. Remi Solberg thought he had fully recovered from the corona disease when he was elected as county council leader in Nordland last autumn. Then the symptoms returned at New Year’s. Photo: Thor-Wiggo Skille Many suffer late effects According to Norwegian Health Information Technology (NHI), around 20 per cent of patients who have had corona develop an illness that lasts longer than 12 weeks. The disease does not give a clear picture of the disease, and the symptoms can vary from person to person. Head of research at the Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI), Signe Flottorp, says that many have reported late effects of corona. – We know quite a lot about the late effects you can get, but it is still quite uncertain how many people struggle with this in Norway. There is no registry for this. FHI estimates that around 80 per cent of the population in Norway has been infected with the coronavirus. Head of research at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI), Signe Flottorp, says that many report late effects of corona. – We still know mostly from studies about those who were infected in the first part of the pandemic – before the vaccine was in place and the virus variants made people sicker, she tells news. Flottorp says that studies show that people who were vaccinated or were infected by the omicron variant have a lower risk of getting late effects after illness. The most common symptoms of “long covid” cough shortness of breath fatigue headache palpitations chest pain joint pain reduced physical capacity depression insomnia concentration difficulties (“brain fog”) Source: NHI – This may be related to the fact that the sicker one has been, the greater the risk of late sequelae. – We also see that men have a greater risk of becoming seriously ill from covid-19, while women have an increased risk of having late effects. Although there is a lot of research into medicines for corona ailments, there are currently no tablets that can be taken against the late effects of covid-19. – The vast majority get better over time. But it suggests that careful and gradually increased physical activity after a period of illness is good. Felt healthy – returned to politics Before Solberg became county council leader, he was mayor of Vestvågøy municipality. But the after-effects of the corona were also too demanding for Solberg, who was on sick leave. In May last year, he was exempted from all political positions due to illness. But later in the autumn, Solberg said that he was healthy and ready for new tasks. – There are many of us who struggle with this. Then I think it is important that I, as a public figure, am open about this, says outgoing county council leader Remi Solberg. Photo: John Inge Johansen / news – I believed and hoped fervently that I was done with this. Had a nice progression over the summer and autumn last year. In September, he was proposed as the new county council leader after Tomas Norvoll became state secretary in the Ministry of Labor and Inclusion. A month and a half later, he was formally elected as county council leader. – But then many of the same symptoms returned now after the New Year. He describes the decision to retire as difficult, but at the same time the only right one. – The job requires you to be 100 percent healthy. Now I don’t have the chance to do a good enough job, says Solberg. Deputy leader Svein Øien Eggesvik (Sp) steps in as acting leader of the county council until a new one is elected. Photo: Kåre Riibe Ramskjell / news Now Nordland County Municipality will find a new leader of the county council. In the meantime, deputy leader Svein Øien Eggesvik (Sp) steps in as acting leader. – The position of county council leader is a position that is very demanding, and then you have to be in a life situation where you can give everything for the job. Remi Solberg says that he is not in that situation today. It’s a real shame, but we just have to accept it, says Eggesvik in a press release from Nordland county council. Sprinter Ezinne Okparaebo was the clear favorite before the speed test – and she did so with victory. She later withdrew from the program due to her health. Photo: Heidi Marie Gøperød / Nordisk Banijay/news Retired from TV program It’s only been a couple of weeks since the viewers of Mesternes mester on news could see the former top sprinter Ezinne Okparaebo withdraw from the program. She has also been open about the problems surrounding “long covid”. – During some of the competitions I have felt that I am struggling to get air, so in consultation with the doctor we have decided that I unfortunately have to give thanks for me, she said to the other participants when she withdrew from the competition.
