The defense attorney for the accused after the gang shooting says the client will be released – Latest news – news

17 January 2023 at 11:01 The defense attorney for the accused after the gang shooting says the client will be released The defense attorney for the man in his 20s who was arrested and charged with complicity in attempted murder after the shooting incident in central Oslo at the weekend, says the client will be released. – My client will be released today. The police’s decision to release my client is not surprising, says defender Marius Ihlebæk to VG. The police confirm this in a press release. “As for the accused man in his 20s who was arrested on Sunday, he will not be produced for imprisonment. He will be released during the day. We do not want to go into the background for this assessment, beyond the fact that there is no basis for imprisonment. He has still chosen not to explain himself to the police,” the police write. Two known leaders of the Young Guns criminal gang were hospitalized with gunshot wounds.
