Two men seriously injured in shooting at the National Theater in Oslo – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The police operations center states that they initially defined the case as PLIVO (ongoing life-threatening violence), but this was reversed after some time. When the police arrived, they found two people with injuries consistent with the use of firearms. First aid was administered at the scene before the two were sent to hospital. Operations manager Alexander Østerhaug says the two are not life-threateningly injured. The police received a report about the shooting at 00:30. Stortingsgata is blocked off after the shooting. Photo: Stian Drake / NTB Shot exchange on the open street The shooting must have happened outside on Klingenberggata, which is a side street to Stortingsgata. – There have been exchanges of shots on the open street. It is likely that a conflict has started inside a bar in Klingenberggata. And then it has spilled out into the street environment, where there are loose shots, mission leader Magnus Strande tells NTB. According to Strande, it is about two middle-aged men. He does not want to say whether there are people the police know from before. There are a large number of police cars on site, and a section of Stortingsgata is blocked off. Heavily armed police are on the scene. Search for perpetrator(s) The police state that they are looking for one or more perpetrators. They have not reported any arrests. – A technical and tactical investigation has been carried out at the crime scene and in the surrounding area. Parallel to this, searches for one or more perpetrators can still be carried out, says operations manager Alexander Østerhaug. – As of now, the police are working on the basis of several relevant hypotheses. It is too early to go into the motive of the perpetrator or perpetrators, or the relationship between them and the injured, says the operations manager. He emphasizes that there is no information indicating that there is a danger to other people in the area. There is a large police presence in the area. In the background of the picture you can see the Theatercafeen. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB Heard four shots A tipster told VG that she heard four shots, followed by screams and shouts. One person was seen lying down. The person involved received first aid from passers-by before the police and ambulance arrived. A person must be seen running from the city, according to VG’s tips. Stortingsgata is blocked off between the National Theater and Høyre’s House, across from the main entrance to the National Theatre. The police are in the process of tracing and investigating the scene. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB
