Russia maintains its military activity in the Arctic despite the Ukraine war – news Troms and Finnmark

Russia continues to build out bases north of the Russian mainland, says a new report from the Danish intelligence service. From the bases, aircraft can control the airspace far out into the Atlantic Ocean. According to the report, Russia is capable of hitting US aircraft carriers in the North Atlantic and critical military installations in the Arctic. It appears that Russia’s military activities in the Northern regions have not changed significantly despite the country’s heavy losses in Ukraine. This means that cruises by submarines with intercontinental missiles will continue. Russia continues to test its new submarines with intercontinental missiles in the Barents Sea and surrounding sea areas Photo: Russian Ministry of Defence. Military activity has been maintained, although many personnel have been sent to the Ukraine war, it says. Professor at the Department of Defense Studies Katarzyna Zysk says that greater military combat forces in the Arctic are still a Russian ambition. – This ambition has been expressed by Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. It is also confirmed in the latest doctrine. The ambition has also been shown in exercises over the past year, says Zysk. The new Danish intelligence report, which came just before Christmas, believes that Russia will try to increase its military forces in the border areas with Finland and Norway. At the same time, Katarzyna Zysk is unsure whether the Ukraine war will mean that Russia will be able to carry out its ambitions. Professor Katarzyna Zysk at the Department of Defense Studies believes that the new American defense agreement with Norway must be seen in the context of the American desire for more presence in the Arctic. Photo: Defense Russian fears of American attack Russia fears an American surprise attack with precision weapons over the North Pole, says the new Danish intelligence report. The annual threat assessment believes it is likely that Russia is concerned about being able to defend its submarines with nuclear weapons in the Murmansk region. These submarines are a central part of Russia’s ability to respond to a possible American nuclear attack. Researcher Paal Sigurd Hilde at the Department of Defense Studies says that the US undoubtedly has the ability to carry out a surprise attack against Russia from the north. – The most surprising thing could come from submarines with cruise missiles, which can, for example, be hidden in the Barents Sea. But it could also be long-range cruise missiles fired from American bombers flown from the USA over the North Pole, says Hilde. He believes that it is not surprising that Russia fears a surprise attack from the north. – This is an ability the USA has had since the 1980s. But that has been strengthened in recent times, perhaps especially with B-2 bombers which are difficult to detect on radar, says Hilde. Researcher Paal Sigurd Hilde at the Department of Defense Studies believes that Russia clearly has the ability to attack American aircraft carriers and Western supply lines in the Atlantic Ocean. Photo: Department of Defense Studies Expansion of NATO The Danish intelligence service has also looked at what a Finnish membership in NATO means for Russia. Seen from Moscow, a NATO attack on Russia will probably involve the deployment of larger forces on the border in Finland, not on the border in Norway. According to the report, the US sees the Arctic as a security challenge. The US will therefore continue its gradual build-up of military capacities in northern areas. China has long-term military strategic interests in the Arctic. China is likely to build up its own ability to operate militarily in the Arctic, says the new Danish intelligence report.
