PST was notified of a possible attack before the shooting in Oslo this summer – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– We can confirm that the Norwegian Intelligence Service has handed over information in the case. Beyond this, we have no further comments. We neither can nor want to comment on operational matters, says Communications Manager in the Intelligence Service Ann-Kristin Bjergene to news. VG writes today about the same issue. According to the newspaper, an agent on assignment from the National Intelligence Service must have learned of plans for a terrorist attack against Scandinavia. A person with knowledge of the case claims to news that the E-service used a person with a fictitious identity to obtain information in the case. news has not been able to confirm this information from another source. Assistant PST manager Hedvig Moe confirms to the newspaper that they received information from the E-service before the attack. – We took that information seriously, says Moe to VG. PST has so far not commented on the matter to news. Two people were killed and 24 were injured when Zaniar Matapour shot at nightclubs in Oslo on 25 June last year.
