Closed mountain passes and strong winds – Latest news – news

11 January 2023 at 03:09 Closed mountain passes and strong wind A lot of wind, snow drifts and poor visibility mean that several mountain passes are closed tonight. National highway 7 over Hardangervidda is closed to cars. There is column driving for trucks over 7.5 tonnes. Highway 13 Vikafjellet and Fylkesvei 50 Hol – Aurland are closed to all traffic. On the E134 above Haukelifjell there is a convoy. This is also the case on National Road 52 above Hemsedalsfjellet, and on National Road 9 Hovden – Haukeli. E16 Filefjell is open to free traffic, as the only mountain pass between west and east. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute has issued a yellow warning for strong winds in Rogaland. Strong winds are also expected from Lindesnes and all the way to the Swedish border, as well as in exposed places to the north, in Western Norway and in Trøndelag.
