Mina Alexandra and Mille Andrea Hjalmarsen died in Spydeberg – Latest news – news

8 January 2023 at 19:10 Mina Alexandra and Mille Andrea Hjalmarsen died in Spydeberg It was the twin sisters Mina Alexandra and Mille Andrea Hjalmarsen (16) from Indre Østfold who died in Spydeberg on the night of Sunday. This is what the police say in a press release on Sunday. The two were found dead in a private residence in Spydeberg municipality. The cause must be a possible overdose. The police are now releasing the names of the girls. Bufetat confirms that the two young people who died had measures taken by child protection. A man in his 20s was arrested at the address. He is currently charged with negligent homicide. – The police emphasize that this is still a preliminary charge as it is still early in the investigation and that this can be changed again before a final charge is made, the police write further in the press release.
