Tinde Energi is closing down – Latest news – news

22 December 2022 at 00:13 Tinde Energi shuts down After a number of consumer complaints and after the Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority imposed corporate penalties on the power company Tinde Energi, the company is shutting down, reports TV 2. The company confirms this on its website. Tinde Energi received a record fine of NOK 3 million. In addition, general manager Raymond Henriksen was notified of a personal fine of NOK 400,000 after the company changed the terms for customers with fixed price agreements. Henriksen tells TV 2 that he apologizes to the customers who will now be left without an electricity supplier. On Tinde Energi’s website, customers are informed about what happens next and what they have to deal with. The company asks for patience, but says that customers who have money to their credit will receive it after the New Year.
