Russian drones attacked Ukraine’s capital early Monday morning, the city’s military administration said on the messaging app Telegram. They also write that nine Iranian-made Shahed drones were shot down early Monday morning in Kyiv’s airspace. Eyewitnesses the news agency Reuters has been in contact with say that several explosions were heard in the city and in the areas around the capital. Reuters has not been able to confirm the information from independent sources. Shortly before the explosions, the governor of the Kyiv region, Oleksiy Kuleba, wrote on Telegram that the anti-aircraft sirens went off due to Russian attacks. Residents were asked to stay in shelters while the attacks are ongoing. Kamikazedrones Kyiv mayor Vitaly Klitschko has confirmed explosions in the Solomensky and Shevchenkovsky districts of Kyiv, writes adviser in the Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior, Pravda Gerashchenko on Telegram. The Iranian-made drones are often referred to as kamikaze drones because they crash into the target instead of firing weapons and then returning, writes NTB. Residents were asked to stay in shelters while the attacks are ongoing.