Severe house fire in Sandnes – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

It was a little before nine thirty on Sunday that the emergency services received a report of a fire at Sandved in Sandnes. When they arrived at the town, the house had caught fire and there was a lot of smoke. There were a total of six people in the house when the fire started and although everyone is out and taken care of, their state of health is unclear. – I can confirm that several people have been taken to hospital by ambulance, says head of operations in the South-West police district, Nikolai Austrheim. A total of four have been taken to hospital and two to the emergency room. It is not known how serious the injuries are. The fire service is still working to extinguish the fire. They have evacuated the houses in the vicinity and a total of seven people. A witness will be questioned on the spot. The fire service is still working to extinguish the fire. Photo: Ronny Hjertås
