The state opens up millions to replace climate damage – news Vestland

– Speedboats are important for traffic in Norway, but fossil speedboats have very high emissions, in fact higher per passenger kilometer than airplanes, says Climate and Environment Minister Espen Barth Eide (Ap). On Thursday, spontaneous applause broke out in the County Council in Vestland when it became clear that the state is sponsoring two fast boat connections in the county with NOK 50 million. The money is part of the Hurtigbåt programme, which will provide traction in the work to reduce emissions from high-speed ferries. Today, large parts of the diesel-heavy ferry fleet have been replaced with electric ferries. But for the biggest climate change – the speedboats – history has been different. Today, there are around 200 speedboats in operation in Norway, which pollute nine times more than passenger cars and four times more than airplanes for each transport kilometre. Nevertheless, the fast-boat revolution has been slow to take hold, despite political intentions and vicissitudes. This year’s Christmas present – In order to reach the climate targets, emissions must be cut in all sectors on land and in water, says Director of the Norwegian Environment Agency, Ellen Hambro. In order to speed up the transition, a separate subsidy scheme has been set up for fast boats under the Klimasats scheme of the Norwegian Environment Agency. CO₂ in the atmosphere measured in parts per million particles (ppm)460 parts per million particles (ppm)? Click for an explanation of parts per million, abbreviated ppmGo to news’s ​​Climate Status Why is the graph so wavy? This is about seasons. In summer, the amount of CO₂ decreases because plants and trees absorb CO₂ from the air. In winter, the plants die, the CO₂ escapes and the graph rises. Since there are more plants and trees in the northern hemisphere, the seasons here control the amount of CO₂ in the atmosphere. What is the problem with a lot of CO₂ in the atmosphere? The greenhouse effect makes the earth livable, but more greenhouse gases, such as CO₂, increase this effect and make the earth warmer . The graph starts in 1960 because this was the year when the world began to measure CO₂ systematically. It happened on Mauna Loa in Hawaii and the curve shows the measurements from there. Before the world became industrialized there was around 280 ppm CO₂ in the atmosphere (year 1700). The researchers found that out by analyzing ice core samples. Will there be less CO₂ in the atmosphere if emissions are cut? No, not immediately. If we cut emissions, the amount of CO₂ in the atmosphere will only increase more slowly. The reduction in emissions must be large and last for a long time before we can see an effect. Imagine that the atmosphere is a bathtub and the greenhouse gases are the water you fill in. Even if you turn off the tap, the bathtub will not run out of water. This is the case with greenhouse gases and CO₂. It takes a long time for CO₂ to break down in the atmosphere. This is the reason why the experts want technology that sucks out greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, in addition to us cutting emissions. The world’s politicians have decided that they will try to limit the warming of the world to 1.5 degrees, compared to how the temperature was before the industrial revolution. Then we must keep the amount of CO₂ in the atmosphere below 430 ppm, according to the UN’s climate panel. It is from this Hurtigbåt program that Vestland has received what county mayor Jon Askeland (Sp) refers to as “the Christmas present of the year”. He adds that 50 million underlines “the business opportunities in the green shift”, and that zero-emission solutions for fast boats are now within reach. – Now I hope we go from words to action, and order new boats, he says. HAPPY: County deputy mayor Natalia Golis (MDG) and county mayor Jon Askeland (Sp) had a big smile at the announcement that the state is granting 50 million for emission-free speedboats in Vestland. Photo: Bård Siem / news The two associations being applied for have calculated CO2 emissions that correspond to 10,000 passenger cars powered by fossil fuel. Last year, the state refused to sponsor Vestland with a charging point for fast boats because the county “left the list too low”. The original ambition was zero-emission snowboats with hydrogen as fuel, but the requirement was dropped on the advice of the county councillor, who thought the risk was too great. Climate and Environment Minister Espen Barth Eide (Ap) replies – Speedboats are important for transport in Norway, but fossil speedboats have very high emissions, in fact higher per passenger kilometer than airplanes. Now we know that fast boats can be operated with emission-free technology. The support from the Norwegian Environment Agency to Vestland County takes us a step further in the climate adaptation of our speedboats. The maritime industry is ready to deliver low- and zero-emission solutions for high-speed boats. There is increasing interest in emission-free sea transport, both in Norway and abroad, and this fully demonstrates the business opportunities that climate change can create. The potential for emission cuts for high-speed boats was estimated at around half a million tonnes of CO₂ up to 2030, in the report Klimakur 2030. Pictured: Minister for Climate and Environment Espen Barth Eide. Photo: Truls Alnes Antonsen / news Can be on the sea during 2026 The Norwegian Environment Agency reckons that the new emission-free boats can be on the water during 2026. – We hope to see ambitious offers from the operators, says the director of the environment. In the Hurdalsplattforma, the government announces requirements for low and zero emissions in new tenders for speedboats in 2025, and that they will compensate the county municipalities for additional costs by choosing low- and zero-emission technology when procuring ferries and speedboats. NOK 290 million to the county to develop low- and zero-emission solutions for fast boats. Low and zero emission technology at sea Several technologies are considered low and zero emission at sea. For shorter distances, electricity and batteries are the most natural alternative. For longer distances, hydrogen and its chemical relative ammonia are a possibility. In addition, biogas is an alternative. Biogas, like normal gas, emits CO₂. But because the gas comes from waste and other sources that are considered part of the cycle, biogas counts as a climate-friendly solution. In many cases, a combination of different technologies will be relevant. For example, you can have hydrogen operation with a backup solution based on gas on board. In the presentation it says: Flying foil with partners Brødrene Aa, NTNU and Westcon are developing one of the world’s most advanced foil designs to cut energy consumption and improve the stability of fast boats. The presentation states: Selfa with its partners Norled, Servogear, Hyon and LMG Marin will revolutionize the speed boat market and is thinking completely new on all points. Brand new hull, new foils, low energy consumption and a new travel experience are key words. In the presentation it says: Brødrene Aa with partners Westcon and Boreal are trying, based on the best in catamaran hulls, to make conventional speedboats emission-free. In the presentation it says: Transport development with Ola Lilloe-Olsen, Stadt Towing tank, Profjord, Siemens and FosenNamsos Sjø on the team looks at the possibilities when conventional fuel is replaced with new energy carriers. The presentation states: With its partners Fjellstrand, Bleie Consult and Echandia Marine, Rødne will create a concept which is as simple as it is ingenious. Should they succeed, they will potentially have created a technology that will require completely new thinking. The report Climate cure 2030 says it is possible to cut half a million tonnes of CO₂ by 2030 on the fast-boat routes. If the political will and the financial muscles are there. Half a million tonnes of CO₂ corresponds to the gain from replacing 250,000 fossil cars with electric cars. – This is the best Christmas present we could have received, says Natalia Golis, who represents MDG on the county council in Vestland. She points out that people along the coast want to use the sea route in an environmentally friendly way, but that the first steps in climate change are the most expensive. – It costs to be at the front. Now we will continue to work so that speedboats can become an environmental winner and not an environmental disaster.
