The National Antiquarian requires more answers about the Bybanen over Bryggen – news Vestland

The National Antiquities Authority therefore announces that they will advise Vestland County Council to complain about the planning plan to Bergen Municipality. The light rail from the city center to Åsane, over Bryggen, is out for consultation with an answer deadline towards the end of December. The county municipality has asked the National Archives for advice. – We think the Bybanen over Bryggen can be a good initiative for Bergen. But Bryggen is so important nationally and internationally that it is important that we know as much as possible before the work is started. says Geiran to news. The goal of the Ap/V city council is to have the zoning plan approved by the city council during the spring of 2023. TRAFFIC: Bryggen has a busy stretch of road in front of it today. Around 10,000 vehicles pass here every day. The wharf received world heritage status in 1979. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB More investigations and measures are required. There has been a great deal of excitement about what the National Archives thinks about the plans to lay rails in front of the wharf, which received world heritage status in 1979. Also at Finnegården, in Sandbrogaten and at Sandviken church, there are challenges. The National Antiquities’ conclusion is that it is too early to draw conclusions. They require more explanations and measures to improve the municipality’s zoning plan. – Can they accept the Bybanen over Bryggen as the zoning plan is now? – No, our advice to Vestland county council is that further analyzes be made. It’s about minimizing uncertainty, Geiran replies. NATIONAL ANTIQUARY: Hanna Geiran. Photo: Trond Isaksen In the press release, the National Archives writes that the municipality has worked well with issues related to world heritage, cultural groups and the cultural environment. “A lot of work has gone into sorting out the consequences for cultural environmental values. The municipality’s findings and the reports that are available nevertheless show that there is still uncertainty about the Bybanen’s effect on cultural environmental values,” write in the press release. This is what the Swedish National Archives asks for. Vestland county municipality asked the Norwegian National Archives for advice at the beginning of November. In the reply, the National Antiquities Agency writes that they request that the following be paid out further: “What measures are to be carried out both directly linked to the establishment of the railway route and measures that follow as a consequence of the establishment of the railway route, such as the placement of infrastructure measures, ditch reinforcements, piles, remediation of pipes and the establishment of construction pits for tunneling in Sandbrogaten” “Impact on the surrounding cultural layers in the area from Kaigaten to Torget and Vetrlidsallmenningen” “Bereevna in the ground and ground conditions, to provide increased security linked to the foundation of the track route” “Further archaeological investigations to get a increase the knowledge base on the extent, depth and condition of the archaeological cultural layers” “Establishment of a monitoring and risk management system for a possible construction phase, as well as the establishment of an environmental monitoring program one year before, during and one year after a construction phase linked to hydrology and sediments with a view to long-term effects of a possible light rail development” “Planfo The team must be rectified when it comes to planning techniques” Already controversial Earlier this autumn, Unesco, who are the ones who decide who gets world heritage status and who doesn’t, concluded that the Bybanen could be good for Bryggen. But they also made a number of demands on the process further. Several have advocated that it could delay the plans and start of construction. The goal is to start in 2024. Bergen has argued over the Bryggen issue for over ten years. Just one year ago, the city council in Bergen resigned when the city council adopted the tunnel alternative for the light rail to Åsane. A short time later they started again when breakaways from the Center Party and Raudt moved the majority to the day solution again and the city council made a new decision.
