Messi and Ronaldo copied Carlsen party – reveals hidden message – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– It’s funny that it’s a Carlsen party, says Peter Heine Nielsen, who has been Magnus Carlsen’s coach for a number of years. In the picture, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo sit opposite each other in what looks like they are playing a round of chess, and it didn’t take long before the chess world found out which game they were playing. – It is a reflex for chess players, when we see a chess position in an advertisement, in a portrait, painting and so on, that we look at the chess position and not the surroundings, explains Nielsen. He was among the first on Twitter to share that the chess position was copied from a game between Hikaru Nakamura and Magnus Carlsen in Norway Chess back in 2017. Now the fashion brand tells why they have chosen that particular position. Will beat Messi on the track It was in connection with the football World Cup that Louis Vuitton rolled out their new campaign called “Victory is a State of Mind”, as a follow-up to the 2010 campaign, when Pele, Maradona and Zinedine Zidane were highlighted. This time the fashion brand chose to pit Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo against each other, by illustrating that they are playing a round of chess. RIVALS: Ronaldo and Messi. Photo: JOSEP LAGO / AFP It was an idea from Antonie Arnault, who initially saw a chess game taking place between two sports legends. The pieces on the board have been arranged so that neither player can win. It was deliberate from the fashion brand. – Chess expert Bruce Pandolfini, who assisted in the Netflix series The Queens Gambit, was present during the filming to ensure that the position of the pieces was set up so that neither Ronaldo nor Messi could win, writes press manager Ewan Lawson to news. Cristiano Ronaldo spoke about the chess game at the press conference before the opening match against Ghana in the World Cup, and there he said that he had high hopes of taking Messi’s checkmate. – I would like to be the one to checkmate Messi. We’ll see, but it would have been nice, Ronaldo said and added that he is confident that he will play a good World Cup. Photo: Joan Monfort / AP “Greatest of all times” discussion Magnus Carlsen recently confirmed during the Champions Chess Tour that the original chess game is from his match against Nakamura in the Norway Chess Tour in 2017. – It was a very chaotic tournament for me. I finished with minus one, but was in danger of falling to number one, two, three, or even number four in the world. It was tough, Carlsen told the organizer. INSPIRATION: This match became the inspiration for Louis Vuitton’s new campaign. Photo: Torstein Bøe / NTB When asked if the Messi-Ronaldo rivalry can be compared to a rivalry between Carlsen and Nakamura, he replied: – Not really, but he is clearly good at many things that I am good at. It’s not the worst comparison in the world. In any case, the picture was in good taste with Stormeiser Nielsen. He believes that the discussion about who is the best between Messi and Ronaldo can rather be compared to Carlsen and another grandmaster, namely Garri Kasparov. – People debate whether it is Carlsen or Kasparov who is the best of all time, and in the same way one debates whether it is Messi or Ronaldo who is the best, says Nielsen.
