PST will extend the imprisonment of the spy accused at UiT – news Troms and Finnmark

22 November 2022 at 13:16 PST will extend the imprisonment of the spy accused at UiT The spy accused man who was arrested at the University of Tromsø in October will be requested to be imprisoned for another four weeks. PST informs news. The detention meeting will take place next Friday, and it is currently unclear whether it will be a physical meeting or office business behind closed doors. PST cannot say anything more about the ongoing investigation against the man, who is believed to be a so-called illegalist. – The investigation is still in an initial phase, says PST’s communications director Trond Hugubakken to news. The man is charged with Section 121 of the Penal Code – illegal intelligence that may damage fundamental national interests. He has also been suspected of illegal intelligence that could damage the security interests of other states. He was first remanded in custody for four weeks from 28 October in the Oslo district court.
