Here, the Danish journalist is stopped in Qatar – threatened to destroy the camera – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

Dansk TV 2’s reporter Rasmus Tantholdt was there live from Qatar when security guards entered the picture. – Now we are being stopped from filming, we hear the journalist say while a man covers the camera. – You have invited the whole world here. Why can’t we film? It is a public place, Tantholdt continues, but without being heard by the Qataris. The Danes show their press accreditation and say they have permission to film. Then the guards follow up with a threat. If they don’t stop filming, they will destroy the camera. – Do you want to destroy the camera? he asks as the guard holds on to the camera. – Not a free and democratic country On the phone from Qatar, Tantholdt says that he was surprised by the reaction from the guards, who he has not experienced as being so aggressive before. – I don’t think the message from the top in Qatar has reached all the security guards. Therefore, one can argue that there are some who have misunderstood the situation, but at the same time it tells a lot about what it is like in Qatar. There it is that you can be attacked and threatened when you report as a free media, says Tantholdt to news. STOPPED: The Danish journalist Rasmus Tantholdt was interrupted live by Qatari guards. He says that he has already received an apology from Qatar’s international communications office and the Supreme Council in Qatar. – That’s nice enough, but it still tells you which country we are in. This is not a free and democratic country, says the Danish journalist and continues: – My experience after visiting 110 countries in the world is: The more you have to hide, the more difficult it is to report from there. Game of Thrones star reacts The video of the journalist being interrupted has already gone viral on Twitter. The Danish Game of Thrones star Pilou Asbæk is among those who react. – How does TV 2 Denmark relate to this? You show the championship. But you can’t report from the playoffs without permission? It must feel strange then to have paid a fortune for the rights, and then one of your employees is exposed to this? he asks. In Denmark, as in Norway, there has been a debate about boycotting the football World Cup and whether it is right to show the championship. news has asked the Qatari authorities why the Danish journalists were stopped and whether this is something that will happen often during the World Cup. We have not yet received an answer. Long history of problems news has previously experienced major problems during reporting trips to Qatar. In November 2021, news journalists Halvor Ekeland and Lokman Ghorbani were arrested and imprisoned in the country. The authorities in the desert state claimed that they had filmed on private land. DANSK STJERNE: Pilou Asbæk had the role of Euron Greyjoy in HBO’s hit Game of Thrones. Photo: Joel C Ryan / AP During news’s ​​visit in October, we were repeatedly prevented from filming. This despite the fact that both Fifa and the World Cup organization have repeatedly promised that it will be easier to work as a journalist in Qatar. Qatar has been heavily criticized since the country was awarded the World Cup in 2010. Violations of human rights and slave-like treatment of migrant workers have brought the country under the scrutiny of the international community.
