– There is a lot of new news – news Vestland

– There are a lot of nerves. I have to be honest about it. Daniel Nygård (20) studies physics at the University of Bergen. The exam is coming up soon. For him: The first of his life. He dreads that. Because due to the corona pandemic, all upper secondary exams were cancelled. That’s why he stands closely in a queue to enter an examination room together with around 150 other students. – I haven’t seen a set-up like that since the tenth grade, he says. As many as 150 students appeared for a mock exam at the University of Bergen (UiB). An offer for the pandemic litters. Photo: Linnea Skare Oskarsen / news Scary and terrifying Many are in the same boat. Therefore, the University of Bergen (UiB) now offers a practice exam, before the real exam. Here they must register with identification, open a fake task in the right place in the browser and deliver correctly. When you have to deliver, you must raise your hand. And the exam invigilators must be as strict as usual. Vice-Chancellor Pinar Heggernes at UiB understands that sitting in a hall when it is completely quiet is a completely different situation. – I fully understand that it can be a bit scary and intimidating. That they get to try themselves now, I think will be a good thing. Leader Aksel Haukom at the Student Parliament thinks it is right to help students who may be less likely to complete their exams. – We weren’t sure how well it would hit. But this shows that this is a very necessary measure, he says. Vice-rector Pinar Heggernes at the University of Bergen (th) understands that students find exams scary and intimidating. Here together with leader Aksel Haukom at the Student Parliament. Photo: Linnea Skare Oskarsen / news – You have to work hard to feel safe The students do not have to go through a full exam. It’s all over in just 20 minutes. Although nothing is real, it is good help. – There is a lot that is new. It is important to get your nerves under control. So that when you actually have the exam you can focus on the tasks, not the formalities, says Nygård. Student Mia Duric (19) also makes use of the offer. – It is nerve-wracking. You have to work extra hard to feel safe, she says. Student Mia Duric (19) accepted the offer of a test exam. A quasi-exam that is over in 20 minutes. – It’s nerve-wracking, she says. Photo: Linnea Skare Oskarsen / news Several educational institutions offer help for students who dread the exam. The University of Oslo (UiO) offers a digital demo exam. Some faculties also offer their own demo tests. The University of Tromsø (UiT) has a stand where students can ask about everything they wonder about the exam.
