Trump’s words put me and my family in danger – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– I believe that the president’s words were unjustifiable. It was clear that he chose to be part of the problem, says Pence in an interview with ABC News on Sunday. The backdrop is the storming of Congress on 6 January last year. The elected representatives were then in the process of approving Joe Biden’s election victory. Former President Donald Trump had asked Pence to intervene, which he had no opportunity to do, even though he had a ceremonial role in the process. Dramatic images: Here they break a window and storm Congress Pence further says that he was angry because of a Twitter message Trump had sent out while the riot outside Congress had started. Trump believed that Pence “didn’t have enough courage to do what was needed.” Pence says in the ABC interview that he turned to his daughter and says “it doesn’t take courage to break the law. It takes courage to uphold the law.”
