A record number of boat migrants arrive in England – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

A photographer has captured the moment an inflatable boat leaves a French beach. A group of men carry the craft on their shoulders. Behind the children runs a man with a child on his back. The boat is launched in all haste, about twenty people sit closely together on board. Then the fragile rubber boat sets course for England in the cold waves. They are not alone. Twice as many asylum seekers have crossed the English Channel so far this year as at the same time last year. Just yesterday, 972 people arrived in 22 boats, according to figures from the Ministry of Defence. Boat migrants on their way from France across the English Channel to Great Britain in October. Photo: Sameer Al-Doumy / AFP Boat migrants on their way from France across the English Channel to Great Britain in October. Photo: Sameer Al-Doumy / AFP It has led to a breakdown in the reception system and a political crisis for Rishi Sunak’s recent government. Minister calls it an “invasion” – The British people deserve to know which party is serious about stopping the invasion on the south coast, Home Secretary Suella Braverman said in Parliament recently. The use of the word “invasion” provoked many. Lower immigration and control of the borders was a goal when the British left the EU. But it is a goal that has been difficult to achieve. Minister of the Interior Suella Braverman is in rough weather due to the collapse in the reception of asylum seekers. Photo: HENRY NICHOLLS / Reuters Minister of the Interior Suella Braverman is in rough weather due to the collapse in the reception of asylum seekers. Photo: HENRY NICHOLLS / Reuters Both because the British have a desperate need for labor that they are unable to cover themselves. And because illegal boat traffic from France and Belgium has increased. One in three comes from Albania So far this year, 40,000 migrants have come across the English Channel. That is twice as many as at the same time last year. They pay criminal networks to come to the UK by sea from France or Belgium. Originally they come from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq or Eritrea – but most recently from Albania. One in three people who have crossed the Channel so far this year are Albanians. They are tempted by British wages which are far higher than Albanian wages. This video from the British rescue service last month clearly shows that traveling by sea to the UK is not without danger. Many migrants have ended up in the overcrowded reception center in Manston in Kent. When news visits the centre, a group of protesters stand outside and shout rhythmic slogans. – Refugees are welcome here. Refugees are welcome here! They compare the conditions within the fences of the former military camp to a concentration camp, and shout: – No concentration camp. No internment camp. 4,000 people have been crammed in where there is really only room for 1,600. Families with children have been sleeping on the floor for a month, where they were only supposed to stay for a day. There are outbreaks of several infectious diseases. Local politician Candy Gregory demonstrates outside a reception center in Kent. She says she hears cries for help from inside. Photo: Gry Blekastad Almås / news Local politician Candy Gregory demonstrates outside a reception center in Kent. She says she hears cries for help from inside. Photo: Gry Blekastad Almås / news – We hear them calling for help, says local politician Candy Gregory to news. She believes the reception of migrants is a shame. – This tarnishes Britain’s reputation, says another. The increase in asylum seekers has led to a collapse in reception, which the government itself has admitted is not good enough. In addition, the journey across the English Channel in small rubber boats is very dangerous. After the conditions in the reception center in Manston in Kent became known, they have made efforts to clean it up. Busloads of asylum seekers have been transported to hotels or friends and acquaintances elsewhere in the country. But far too many people still live far too long in the reception centre. Abandoned on the streets of London The three Afghans who were bussed away from the reception center in Kent the day before are back outside the fences. Security guards prevent them from talking to news. But another Afghan says they were left to fend for themselves when the bus arrived in London. – They were sent to London, but were given nowhere to stay. They don’t speak English and didn’t know where to go, so they took a bus to Dover, says Arsalon, who did not want to give his last name. There they met Arsalon and another Afghan who helped them back to the reception centre. People have heard cries for help from asylum seekers in the British reception center at Manston camp. Photo: DANIEL LEAL / AFPPeople have heard cries for help from asylum seekers in the British reception center in Manston camp. Photo: DANIEL LEAL / AFP – Are you leaving migrants on London’s streets, Home Secretary? A reporter asks Suella Braverman, who refuses to answer. But the questions surrounding the handling of the illegal and dangerous boat traffic across the English Channel have become a political crisis for the new minister. Outside the reception centre, the protesters are demanding her resignation. They are not alone in that demand. news has contacted the British Ministry of the Interior for a comment. In an email they write that record numbers of migrants are putting the reception apparatus under “incredible pressure” and warn people against coming to the UK from another safe country. What protesters and human rights groups believe are “inhumane conditions” may deter some from coming. Deterrence was also the aim of the government’s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda. That plan is awaiting a judicial review of whether it is legal. Unrest in the population The volunteer litter picker John keeps finding remains of migrants who land on the beaches in Dover. Photo: Gry Blekastad Almås / news The volunteer litter picker John keeps finding remains of migrants who land on the beaches of Dover. Photo: Gry Blekastad Almås / news Not everyone is convinced that the migrants are so welcome in Great Britain. On the beach in Dover we meet John, who is picking up rubbish. – I have found two parts of an inflatable boat, the size of a car roof. And I found a life jacket, he says. John believes the increase in boat migrants is a major problem for a UK that is badly hit financially. Inflation is high, millions do not have enough money to pay their bills, next week the government presents a budget that will further tighten public spending. – It reaches a point where the country is no longer sustainable. The population is constantly increasing. I think people are troubled in this country now. It is difficult. Controversial measures – A year ago the government said it was going to be tough on border controls, but now we see they can’t do it, adds John. The asylum seekers come to a beautiful coast, but the British authorities are struggling with the reception of the record number of boat migrants who come across the English Channel. Photo: Gry Blekastad Almås / NRKA The asylum seekers come to a beautiful coast, but the British authorities are struggling with the reception of the record number of boat migrants who come across The English Channel. Photo: Gry Blekastad Almås / news The country’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak also admits that the situation is difficult. His government wants to go ahead with the controversial plan to fly asylum seekers to Rwanda. The plan has for the time being been stopped by the legal apparatus. In addition, talks are ongoing with France and other European countries that want to cooperate in stopping the illegal migration. – We will implement a number of measures as soon as possible to deal with the situation, says Sunak.
