Congress has received its first representative from “generation Z” – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– My name is Maxwell Alejandro Frost, and I will be the first of Generation Z in Congress in the United States, said Frost (25) to a cheering audience in Orlando Florida on Wednesday night Norwegian time. He belongs to the generation that grew up in the 1990s and 2000s, and he is now an addition to the left wing of the Democratic Party. Frost has grown up with the fear of school shootings and is preoccupied with gun laws and climate policy. This was also a central theme during his campaign, together with abortion rights and the expansion of the healthcare system. Old elected officials Frost will stand out in the hall of Congress in the United States, which has an average age of 58, writes NBC-news. In the last 20 years, the National Assembly in the USA has only gotten older. The number of members of Congress over 70 has increased, writes Insider. In 2002, 8 per cent of the members were over 70, and in 2022 the figure has increased to 23 per cent. The leader of the House of Representatives in Congress, Nancy Pelosi, for example, is 82 years old. Nancy Pelosi is ready for a new term in Congress. Here she is at a press conference at the end of September. Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP To be a member of Congress in the USA you must be 25 years old. In the senate, one must have reached the age of 30, and one should preferably be 35 to be president. But the country has no upper age limit, writes The Washington Post. South Carolina Senator Storm Thurmond was allowed to serve until he was 100 years old. In 2003, he decided to retire after 48 years in the Senate. Six months later he died, write the newspaper. In 1986, Congress removed the pension limit in most occupations, except in the military, in the police, for pilots and air traffic controllers. Here, Senator Storm Thurmon celebrated his 100th birthday in the White House together with, among others, former President George W. Bush in 2003. Photo: SUSAN WALSH / AP Start getting involved at the age of 15 Already at the age of 15, Frost showed Frost that the fight against gun violence was the calling his in life. It was after 20 children and six adults were killed in the school shooting at Sandy Hook Children’s School in Connecticut in 2012 that Frost became concerned with gun laws. – I started getting involved as a 15-year-old because I didn’t want to be bullied at school. The young democrat also worked as national organizing director for March for our Lives. It’s a student-based organization that works to tighten gun laws. Maxwell Frost says he started with politics after a series of school shootings in the USA. Photo: Lynne Sladky / AP – People yearn for bold leaders who believe in the bold changes we need, said Frost after the victory. NBC news writes that Frost was a favorite in the blue electoral district of Orlando in Florida. He beat 72-year-old Republican opponent Calvin Wimbish. Almost all the votes have been counted in the state and Frost got 58 percent of them, while Wimbish got 39 percent. Several young people registered to vote. Another 20-year-old who was likely to get a seat in Congress was the republican Karoline Leavitt (25). Insider writes that Leavitt has, among other things, worked as a speechwriter and assistant communications adviser for Donald Trump when he was president. In the midterm elections, she challenged Democrat Chris Peppas in New Hampshire’s first electoral district. It didn’t come out this time, and Peppa’s water. Republican Karoline Leavitt on her way to the stage to speak to the voters after the loss against Peppas. Photo: Mary Schwalm / AP – This is not the result we wanted, said Leavitt and thanked everyone who had voted for her. Although there are not as many young Americans as his in power, the number of young voters has increased. Far more Americans aged 18-24 have registered to vote in this by-election than four years ago. This is shown by a survey from Circle, a research center for information, society and political participation. In the important swing state of Michigan, the increase was as much as 38 percent and 18 percent in Nevada. Frost’s victory strengthens the representation of younger voices in politics in the United States. – We have made history for the people of Florida, generation Z and everyone who thinks we deserve a better future, he said according to the BBC.
