Russians took selfies with a drone in Western Norway – indicted for having flown a drone in Western Norway – news Vestland

On Tuesday 11 October, a Russian man in his 50s was arrested after being stopped at a checkpoint on his way out of Norway at Storskog. In the luggage, the police discovered two drones and a number of storage devices. * The man has admitted to flying a drone in Norway and has himself explained that he has been on a tourist trip in Norway since August. The man had two Russian passports and one Israeli passport on him when he was arrested. * On Friday, the man was remanded in custody for two weeks. He appealed the ruling, and the answer to it is expected on Monday. The large amount of material that the police must review was cited as a reason for the imprisonment. * On the morning of Friday 14 October, another Russian man, a 51-year-old, was arrested with a drone at Tromsø Airport. * He had been observed with a drone taking pictures of the airport. It was an employee at the airport who tipped off the police. * The police have seized a large quantity of photographic equipment including a drone and a number of memory cards. In the material, the police found, among other things, a video of the airport in Kirkenes and images of the Norwegian Armed Forces’ Bell helicopter. * The man has explained that he crossed the border at Storskog on Thursday, and that he was on his way to Svalbard. He has admitted to having flown a drone in Norway. * On Saturday, he was remanded in custody for two weeks. He has appealed the imprisonment order. * On Monday 17 October, it became known that four more Russian people have been arrested and detained. The four, three men and one woman, crossed the border via Finland by car. They have explained that they are tourists visiting Norway. * They have been observed while photographing an object subject to a photography ban somewhere in Nordland. No drones have been found, only ordinary photo cameras. * The police have seized a quantity of photographic equipment and extensive photographic material. They are detained for seven days. It is not known whether they are appealing the rulings. Source: NTB
