Works with the recovery of truck trains on Hardangervidda – news Vestland

5 November 2022 at 12:41 Working with the recovery of a wagon train on Hardangervidda The Road Administration is still working to recover a wagon train that overturned just before 05 o’clock this morning on rv. 7 near Dyranut on Hardangervidda. Breakers were quickly on the scene after the incident and made contact with the driver of the train. The person has been sent to hospital for a check-up, according to traffic operator Ken Ove Holm at Vegtrafikksentralen West. It snowed on the plain last night and was therefore slippery before the plowing crews arrived. – Now the load in the wagon train is unloaded by hand and there is manual routing on site. I assume it will take all day to sort things out, but the road will only be closed in connection with the recovery itself, he says. It is likely that the actual recovery of the wagon train will only take place in the afternoon. Video was taken by Jon-Kenneth Heltne
