The municipality wants to dismiss the doctor accused of assault – lawyer Karl Bjørnar Olsen confirms this – news Trøndelag

On Thursday, the police stated that they have conducted the first questioning of the municipal superintendent who is accused of abusing his position to obtain sexual intercourse. They have created 57 cases. The doctor denies criminal responsibility. The Norwegian Health Authority has temporarily revoked the doctor’s authorization. In parallel with this, the municipality has started a dismissal process against the doctor. – Yes, there is a process underway by the municipality to end the employment of the accused municipal superintendent. I can confirm that, says lawyer Karl Bjørnar Olsen. He represents the doctor in the case, and will not say how far they have come in the process. Have already sent a letter of resignation. On 1 August, the doctor was suspended by the municipality from his position as municipal chief medical officer. On 17 October, the municipality sent two letters to the doctor accused of abuse: “Advance notice regarding dismissal or termination of GP contract” “Advance notice regarding dismissal or termination – summons to a discussion meeting cf. the Working Environment Act § 15-1” This happens before the Norwegian Health Inspectorate has concluded the supervisory case against the doctor , and while the police investigation is still ongoing. The police have announced that they will continue to interview witnesses and review records and other documentation. It is expected that this will take time, the police say. Considering revoking the authorization It is still unclear how long it will take before the Norwegian Health Authority decides whether they will possibly revoke the authorization from the doctor. – We decided to suspend the doctor’s authorization on 18 July. The suspension lasts for six months. That’s what department director Anne Myhr in the Norwegian State’s Health Inspectorate says to news. The doctor has appealed the decision. Suspension can be extended once by a further six months, says Myhr. – The Norwegian Health Authority has received a total of 20 patient complaints. The National Health Inspectorate is still considering investigating the municipality where the municipal superintendent accused of abuse has worked, says department director Anne Myhr. Photo: press photo The municipal director is silent The doctor worked 60 per cent as a general practitioner in addition to his position as municipal chief medical officer. Since Monday this week, news has asked the director of the municipality to answer why the municipality is considering dismissing him at this time, and what the background is. The municipal director did not want to answer this. – The employer of course has the opportunity to terminate an employment relationship if a fundamental failure is experienced by the employee in terms of the employment contract. As elsewhere in society. This is what the county doctor in Trøndelag, Jan Vaage, told news. He is speaking on a general basis, since it is the Norwegian Health Inspectorate that deals with the doctor’s suspension case. – The municipality is now in a situation where they have gained access to a lot of information in recent months. The reason most doctors and nurses are stripped of their authorization and fired is drug addiction. A number of times it is also linked to theft of pharmaceuticals in the workplace, says county doctor Jan Vaage. Photo: Stein Roar Leite / news Different grounds for termination – The municipality may consider that the employee has breached expectations from the employer so thoroughly that there are grounds for terminating the employment relationship. Regardless of the police’s and the Norwegian Health Authority’s conclusions, says Vaage. There are examples of employees who have been dismissed, but who have still been allowed to retain their authorisation. – We have also experienced that healthcare personnel who, for example, have been caught snooping on medical records, have lost their jobs. But without losing your authorisation, says Vaage and emphasizes: – The most important thing to point out is this: If you lose your authorisation, you lose your job. You can hear the whole story about the municipal superintendent accused of abuse in this episode of the podcast Updated:
