Four men charged with sexual assault in Vesterålen – news Nordland

The men are in their 20s and belong to Nordland. It was on Sunday afternoon that the police received a message from a caller who told about what the police described as an incident. This must have taken place in a bus shelter at Kleiva in Sortland municipality in Vesterålen. Based on this, the police started crime scene investigations on the spot. For the sake of the investigation, the police did not want to say anything. For now. – After several investigative steps, the police can inform that four men have been arrested and charged in the case. The four are all charged with sexual assault, says police station chief Bjørn Følstad Larsen in a press release. The police have begun questioning the accused. It will also be considered whether these should be produced for remand. – The police are aware that there are many rumors and pictures on social media about what happened and who was involved. Such rumors can be harmful to those who are mentioned, and the police ask that you avoid spreading rumors and images. The police have received several tips in the case and would like to thank everyone who has come forward with tips. The police will contact you if the tip is considered to be of interest to the investigation, says the press release. On Tuesday, the victim was questioned.
