Brazil’s Bolsonaro will speak for the first time after the defeat – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

President Bolsonaro has still not said anything publicly after he lost the election yesterday. According to the news agency Reuters, this has led to fears about how the transfer of power to the election winner Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will take place. – Bolsonaro has waited to make a statement in order to be able to prepare a speech on Tuesday, says Brazilian Communications Minister Fabio Faria to Reuters. Has not shown up But it is not clear whether Bolsonaro will acknowledge the electoral defeat. He stayed in the presidential palace yesterday, without appearing in public. UNCERTAINTY: A member of the government says that President Bolsonaro will speak today, but it is unclear whether he will admit defeat in the election. Photo: POOL / Reuters Before the election, Bolsonaro repeatedly made groundless claims that the electoral system in Brazil is characterized by fraud. According to the BBC, the president’s previous statements that “only God can remove him from office” have led to a tense situation before he appears in public. The Central Electoral Commission of Brazil said on Sunday evening that Lula had won the election with 50.9 percent, while Bolsonaro got 49.1. If Bolsonaro does not accept the election results, the time ahead could be turbulent for Brazil, writes the AFP news agency. Major protests The incumbent president has many supporters among Brazil’s truck drivers. They and other supporters have launched major protests on important roads that are being blocked. Car tires are also burned. The police in Brazil say that 321 protests have been registered in 26 states. President Jair Bolsonaro lost the presidential election in Brazil on October 30. But many of his supporters are demonstrating against the election result. The truck drivers support Bolsonaro, among other things, because he lowered the price of diesel. The protests have spread from agricultural areas to more central parts of the country. If they last long, the large export of agricultural goods from Brazil could be affected. Spectacular return Lula has said that he wants to return to a social economy where the state has a strong role. He also wants to restore social programs that lifted millions of people out of poverty while he was president from 2003 to 2010. BACK: Lula says he will pursue the traditional policies of the left. Photo: CAIO GUATELLI / AFP According to the plan, he will take over as Brazil’s leader on 1 January. Lula is 77 years old and a former trade union leader. He spent 19 months in prison, convicted of corruption. But the verdict was rejected by the country’s highest court.
