Several go on cruises with young children – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

The streets of Ålesund are full of German-speaking children who are passengers on the cruise ship Aida Prima, which comes from Hamburg. The children are not at all interested in the iconic art nouveau style the city is known for. – We must respect Luisa’s needs, says Marlin Kunt. He and his wife Julia have taken the two-year-old to the playground in Ålesund. Little Luisa is happy to play for a bit, before the family goes on a city walk in Ålesund. Photo: Malin Kjellstadli Korsnes / news Getting an outlet for energy Another German family has found a skate ramp close to the cruise ship, where the children can let off some energy. – It is tiring to travel with children, laughs mum Susann Weimann. Often the children do not want the same as her, so they often end up with a compromise. In all the places they visit, they therefore hunt for playgrounds for the children. – My husband would like a map of the playgrounds, says Weimann. Alma and Fiete Weimann let off some energy on the town hall square in Ålesund. Photo: Malin Kjellstadli Korsnes / news Want activity and experiences Sandra Diana Bratland says that many of the cruise ships in the world have young people and families with children as their target group. Photo: private Cruise Norway has seen a clear change in recent years. Before, most pensioners went to Norway on a cruise, while families with children chose cruises in the Caribbean. Now there are as many families with children and young adults as pensioners, daily manager Inge Tangerås believes. – This is an audience that asks for more activity and experiences, says Tangerås. Sandra Diana Bratland, destination manager for the cruise company Carnival Group, says there is a trend of more families with children in the cruise industry. – Many of the 320-330 cruise ships in the world have children and younger people in their target group. The typical cruise tourist is no longer an old lady with blue hair, says Bratland. Kayaking and climbing Monica Berstad Mæland is the day-to-day manager of the Ålesund cruise network. Photo: Hans-Olav Landsverk / news Monika Berstad Mæland in the Ålesund cruise network says that the tourism companies work to create good experiences for the passengers who come ashore. In addition to families with children, there are also many young people on cruises. – It surprises me a little, but 20-30-year-olds go on cruises and they would like to be out and experience things and learn something, says Mæland. Paddling, mountain tours, supboards and via ferrata are popular offers. Barnefamiliane is looking for outdoor experiences, where the children can move. She has the impression that families spend more money on land than the elderly. Also come in autumn Stavanger is also a major cruise port. There, too, they have seen a change in the age of the cruise tourists in recent years. – New this year is that families with children don’t just come to Norway in the summer. They also go on cruises in the autumn, says communications manager Gunhild Vevik in Visit region Stavanger. Tourist offices are often asked about activities in the city that are suitable for children. They are sent to the museum, where the children can, among other things, try to live like Vikings, work as factory workers or oil workers. Stavanger is the third largest cruise port in the country in 2022, behind Ålesund and Bergen. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news Cruise is better than a car holiday For Marlin and Julia Kunt, there is more than just a playground on the program today. When little Luisa has had a chance to play, they will go on a trolley ride and look at the Art Nouveau buildings. The couple believes that a holiday on a cruise ship is much better adapted to a small child than going on a car holiday. – The program on board the ship is very good for young children. There is a disco, cartoons and a pool, says Marlin Kunt. There will also be time for a walk in Ålesund for the German family. Photo: Malin Kjellstadli Korsnes / news
