Defenders want the Silje case from the Trondheim police – news Dokumentar

It was in 1994 that the police concluded that three boys aged four, five and six had killed their friend Silje Marie Redergård (5). Silje was found dead in a toboggan run, partially undressed and with clear signs of violence. In 1994, five-year-old Silje Marie Redergaard was found dead in a toboggan run at Tiller in Trondheim. Photo: Privat / news The case was reopened after Brennpunkt’s documentary series “Murder in the sledge” revealed serious errors and shortcomings in the almost 30-year-old case. In Brennpunkt’s documentary series, there was strong criticism of the investigation. Several experts believed that the police pressured the children to confess, and that there was no technical evidence against the boys. Now the boys do not want Trøndelag police district to be responsible for the new investigation. The man we call “the 6-year-old”, who is now in his early 30s, says to news that he wants the case to be moved. – I think it’s going to be a bit of a mess and would like to see the case moved to another instance. Refers to the Baneheia investigation Earlier this autumn, both the “5-year-old” and the “6-year-old” chose to switch defenders. The new defenders are skeptical that it is the same police district that will investigate the case again and have submitted a request that the case be transferred to another police district. Sigurd Klomsæt defends the man who was six years old when he was blamed for Silje’s death. Photo: Berit Roald / NTB In the request, lawyer Sigurd Klomsæt refers, among other things, to the Baneheia investigation, which was moved from Agder to Oslo. He believes the same should happen in the Silje case. – When our own police chamber has to defend its own work, we know from a purely human point of view how easy it is, says Klomsæt. Ordered to reopen The police chief in Trondheim initially thought the case should not be reopened. In the documentary he said he believed the evidence from 1994 held. – The answer is that there is no verifiable information in the case which means that new investigative steps should be resumed, said police chief Nils Kristian Moe in autumn 2021. – And the evidence is good enough to say that it was the boys who did it? – That is the assessment that is done, yes. Police chief in Trøndelag police district, Nils Kristian Moe Photo: Ole Jørgen Kolstadbråten / news But after Brennpunkt’s revelations, the police chief had to reopen the case. The public prosecutor in Trøndelag asked the Trondheim police to open a new investigation, which the police did in January. – The new investigation must be carried out according to today’s standards, said prosecutor Mette Kollstrøm at Trøndelag police district then. Final phase The police in Trøndelag will not comment on the request to move the investigation. They refer to the State Attorney in Trøndelag, who confirms that they have received the request. – We have been made aware of it and will take a decision on this in the near future. We are also waiting for further clarification from the defenders, says First State Attorney Unni Sandøy. The investigation is in its final phase. It is a challenge that the investigation has already come this far, admits the “5-year-old’s” defender, Johannes Wegner Mæland. – We are afraid that the police have already done so much work that they will hesitate on the case, says Mæland. Silje 29:42 The evidence 45:09 The interrogations 45:07 New assessment 44:40
