Requires clear labeling of “shrink inflation” – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– You have to be quite single-minded to realize that a package goes from 5 to 4 lefs, or that the butter box goes from 600 to 540 grams, says Storting representative Mimir Kristjansson from Rødt. Recently, news and VG have shown a number of examples of goods that have shrunk, without the price being reduced. Suddenly there was one less lefse to offer. The manufacturer Baxt points to more expensive raw materials and packaging as the reason. Soft Flora changed the package with margarine, and with that 60 grams disappeared. Mills says the lids on the earlier cups were loose, which caused problems in production. This will save society from plastic. Another item from Baxt has also shrunk – the knurlings got a new design, which the manufacturer has noted, but the new package says nothing about the customers getting 160 grams less knurling. A bottle of green soap from Rema was changed in the same way as the competitors, and the price increased at the same time. The price has been reduced again. Requires brand scheme Such price increases are difficult for customers to absorb, according to experts. But today nothing stands in the way of confusing customers with smaller packages, as long as the unit and kilo price is on the shelf, according to the Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority. Rødt believes that the marketing rules must be changed to crack down on the practice by requiring the players to label the packaging. – Then you are required to write that you have received a new and smaller bag, because the same manufacturers have no problem writing “new and larger bag”. We have seen that many times in the store, and then the opposite should also be possible, says Kristjansson. Storting representative Mimir Kristjansson (R) believes that only customers with a calculator and an elephant’s memory will be able to expose the food industry’s price manipulation with today’s demands. Photo: Hanna Johre / NTB Children and Family Minister Kjersti Toppe (Sp) is consumer minister, and says the government has not discussed the matter. – I think that it is a bureaucratic way of obtaining information, she says to news. She has more faith that angry customers and industry norms for business practices can tighten up the players. Because she is not enthusiastic about the shrinkflation phenomenon either. Consumer Affairs Minister Kjersti Toppe from the Center Party. Photo: Synne Lykkebø Hafsaas – I strongly distance myself from that. I think that the grocery industry must take care of itself. This is something consumers react strongly to, and to which I, as consumer minister, react strongly. They must go within themselves and ensure marketing that does not mislead their customers, she says. Professor calls for better trading practices In academia, shrink inflation is a well-known phenomenon. Economics professor Tor Wallin Andreassen at the Norwegian School of Economics believes that the almost invisible launch of new products borders on unethical marketing. But he is reluctant to put an end to it by requiring the chains to label the goods. NHH professor Tor Wallin Andreassen. Photo: CHRISTIAN LURA / news – You can rather work with the norms for business practices. It is only natural that you are just as informative when you offer more for the same price as the opposite way, when you get less for the same price, he says to news. Ideally, he would like the industry to clean itself up. – If not, I am no stranger to the fact that we must then have stronger means. Whether it is legal or whether there is something in between, I am more pragmatic. We must invest in volunteering, because it is common sense. If not, we have to put a little more powder in the glove, he says.
